Team Profile Generator


Create a Team profile page by following a set of prompts. The user is prompted to create a team leader by entering name, id, email address and office number. The user then can add any number of engineers or interns to the team. The program will produced an HTML file with accompanying CSS. Includes a full suite of tests to validate objects


  • Nodejs
  • Inquirer
  • FS
  • Jest


  1. Run 'node index.js'
  2. Enter the Name, id, email and office number for the team manager
  3. Select whether to add an engineer, intern or generate the files
  4. If engineer is selected, enter name, id, email and github account
  5. If intern is select, enter name, id email and school
  6. After the desired number of interns and engineers have been added, select "Finished" to generate html in the dist directory.


Includes tests for each of the four classes uses using Jest.


Video link


makefile.js includes code similar to or inspired by the Trilogy learning full stack developer course lesson 9 portfolio- generator