
Oscar Sanderson's C ISO8583 Library

Primary LanguageC

Copied from Oscar Sanderson's DL ISO-8583 C Library (v0.4)



This package contains the following source code files:

  - demo.c

      Demo application source, with message packing/unpacking example

  - benchmark.c
      Benchmark source, to benchmark pack/unpack operations

  - dl_c_iso8583_v0_0_3 (16th July 2008)

      DL ISO-8583 library source files

  - dl_c_common_v0_0_2 (14th October 2007)

      DL Common source files (used by DL ISO-8583)

  - benchmark / demo
      Sample MSVC 6.0 project files


Simply compile all the provided source code to run the demo application, from
there you can easily integrate the DL ISO-8583 library into other projects.

If using MSVC 6.0 then simply open the applicable DSW file.


This version includes the following changes:

  [Bug-fix] Fixed issue in 'VarLen_Get' (dl_iso8583_fields.c) which resulted in
            the length being incorrectly determined (during unpack) for any
            variable length field with a length equal to or exeeding 100


Please email any bugs or suggestions to 'o.sanderson@gmail.com'.