
Run your Cucumber features using Arquillian!

Primary LanguageJava

Cukes in Space!

Cukes in Space! allows you to deploy and run Cucumber features in the application server of your choice using the Arquillian test framework.

Supported application servers:

The following application servers are supported. The artifact cukespace-core is required for all servers, and additional dependencies have been listed for each.


This quickstart assumes you're already very familiar with Arquillian and Cucumber-JVM, and that you've set up your Maven.


Before you start writing features, you'll want to pull down the source for Cukes in Space! and install it to your local repository using the following command:

mvn install

Project Setup

You'll want at least the following dependency in your pom.xml:


Creating Features

All you have to do is to replace Arquillian runner by CukeSpace, create the test deployment, and write your steps in your test class:

package my.features;

import cucumber.runtime.arquillian.junit.Cucumber;
import my.features.domain.Belly;
import my.features.glue.BellySteps;

public class CukesInBellyTest {
    public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
        return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
            .addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
    private CukeService service;

    private CukeLocator cukeLocator;

    @When("^I persist my cuke$")
    public void persistCuke() {

Arquillian will then package up all the necessary dependencies along with your test deployment and execute the feature in the application server. Your step definitions will also be serviced by Arquillian's awesome test enrichers, so your steps will have access to any resource supported by the Arquillian container you choose to use:

// clip
private CukeService service;

private Connection connection;

private EntityManager entityManager;

private CukeLocator cukeLocator;

@When("^I persist my cuke$")
public void persistCuke() {
// clip

Functional UI Testing with Arquillian Drone

This guide will help you get started with using the Arquillian Drone extension for functional testing.

To create features for functional UI testing, you first want to add all necessary Drone dependencies to your project's POM, then mark your deployment as untestable and inject a webdriver:

// clip
DefaultSelenium browser;

@Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
    return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
        .addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
        .addAsWebInfResource(new StringAsset("<faces-config version=\"2.0\"/>"), "faces-config.xml")
        .addAsWebResource(new File("src/main/webapp/belly.xhtml"), "belly.xhtml")
// clip

You can then access your Drone from any step definition.

public class IrresistibleButtonSteps {
    private DefaultSelenium browser;
    @When("^I click on an irresistible button$")
    public void click() {

Be sure to remember to inject the webdriver into your test fixture, or you won't be able to inject it into any of your step definitions. You'll know when you've forgotten because you'll get the following error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Drone Test context should not be null

Externalize some common features/steps



Cuke in Space! comes with an arquillian extension. We already saw the reporting configuration but you can go a bit further. Here are the complete properties:

<extension qualifier="cucumber">
    <property name="report">true</property>
    <property name="report-directory">target/cucumber-report</property>
    <property name="options">--tags @foo</property>
    <property name="featureHome">/home/test/features</property>
    <property name="tempDir">target/custom/features</property>
Property name Value
report boolean to activate the reporting
report-directory where to store the report on the filesystem
options cucumber options used when cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber.Options is not on the test class
featureHome where to look for features (base path)
tempDir where custom loaders dump their resources

Reporting sample configuration

Cukespace supports some basic reporting in html format.

To activate it simply configure the cucumber arquillian extension in the file arquillian.xml :

  <extension qualifier="cucumber">
    <property name="report">true</property>
    <property name="report-directory">target/cucumber-report</property>

The report file will be then logged. For instance:

 INFO - Cucumber report available at /home/rmannibucau/dev/cukespacetest/target/cucumber-report/feature-overview.html


Cuke in Space! API annotations are in the package cucumber.runtime.arquillian.api.


If you want to reuse some feature in multiple test you can specify it through @Features:

@Features("org/foo/bar/scenarii.feature") // can support multiple features too
public class MyFeatureTest {


If you want to reuse some step classes you can using the annotation @Glues:

@Glues(MySteps.class) // can support multiple steps classes too
public class MyFeatureTest {

@Tags let you filter features by tag.

@Tags("@myTag") // can support multiple tags too
public class MyFeatureTest {


@cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber.Options from cucumber junit api (not in Cuke in Space! directly) is supporting in compatibility mode out of the box.

It is used to create cucumber.runtime.RuntimeOptions when running cucumber and features and tags attributes are supported.