
Rudimentary class lib that can read and write StarDict dictionaries. Also, a Powershell module which acts as a very basic cli StarDict dictionary lookup program.

Primary LanguageC#


Rudimentary class lib that can read and write StarDict dictionaries. Also, a Powershell module which acts as a very basic cli StarDict dictionary lookup program.

Using Powershell Module

  • Add full path of *.ifo files of dictionaries to global variables:
$Global:Dict1 = Set-Dict "full/path/to/somedict.ifo"
  • Optionally, add them to arrays in order to create dictionary groups:
$Global:English = @($Dict1, $Dict2, $Dict3, $Dict4)
$Global:French = @($Dict5, $Dict6, $Dict7)
  • At lines 100 and 154 add full path of elinks if it is not in the PATH. elinks enable us to display HTML nicely on the terminal.

  • Put StarDict.psm1 and StarDictNet.dll right next to your Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1

  • Add these 2 lines to your Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1:

Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\StarDict.psm1
  • Lookup words:
    • Lookup at a single dictionary:
    $Dict1 | Get-Def Beleaguered -IgnoreCase <# will match beleaguered also #>
    $Dict1 | Get-DefRegex "^beleag*" <# get words that starts with beleag #>
    $FrenchDict1 | Get-Def "eutes" -IgnoreDiacritics  <# instead of eûtes #>
    • Lookup at multiple dictionaries:
    $English | Get-BatchDef "daredevil"
    $Turkce | Get-BatchDefRegex "^\b(\w+)\s\1$" <# search reduplicative words with regex #>


Ignore diacritics Ignore diacritics while searching.

Batch lookup Batch lookup

Query with regular expressions Query with regular expressions


Windows elinks build is provided as-is, use at your own risk.