
Creates a visual linear timeline representation from your Wordpress posts and other media sources in the style of Facebook Profile Timeline.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

=== WP Facebook Timeline (MF Timeline) ===
Contributors: matt_d_rat, clearbooks
Donate link: http://www.aplaceformyhead.co.uk
Tags: timeline, facebook, twitter, time line, event, stories, story, milestone
Requires at least: 3.1.3
Tested up to: 3.2.1
Stable tag: 1.1.7

Creates a visual linear timeline representation from your Wordpress posts and other media sources in the style of Facebook Profile Timeline.

== Description ==

Creates a visual linear timeline representation from your Wordpress posts and other media sources in the style of Facebook Profile Timeline. Timeline events can be filtered by taxonomy terms and post types, including custom taxonomies and post types enabled by your active theme.

In addition to Wordpress content, you can also add content to the timeline from Twitter - filtering by multiple hashtags.

You can set timeline events to be "featured", ie: span across both columns to be more prominent by setting a custom meta field key to mf_timeline_featured and its value to 1. This is great for indicating milestones on the timeline, or highlighting a particular piece of information on the timeline.

Please report all issues or give feedback on the plugin's [Github repository](https://github.com/matt-d-rat/MF-Timeline "MF Timeline Repository").

== Installation ==

1. Upload the folder `mf-timeline` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Call the plugin through the short code [mf_timeline] or call `<?php echo $mf_timeline->get_timeline(); ?>` in your templates. You are also welcome to instantiate a new object by calling $object = new MF_Timeline();

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is this plugin for? =

This plugin is for displaying data as a visual linear timeline. I developed the code originally for my work at Clear Books (http://www.clearbooks.co.uk) but decided to develop it some more and turn it into a WordPress plugin for everyone to use.

= Can I change the styling of the Timeline? =

By default the plugin is designed to look like Facebook's Profile Timeline - since this is wear I drew my original inspiration from for this plugin, but you are free to style it as you please. The plugin's stylesheets should be enqueued before your theme's stylesheets so simply writing your own CSS should be enough to overwrite the default styles. Alternatively you can always dequeue the plugin's styles by calling `<?php wp_dequeue_style( 'mf_timeline_styles' ) ?>`

= Can I make a timeline event "featured" or "milestone" and span across both columns? =

You can make Wordpress content featured on the timeline by setting a custom meta field with the key: mf_timeline_featured and its value set to 1. See screenshot-2.jpg for more information.

= What are Timeline Stories? =

Timeline Stories provide a means of creating content directly for the timeline which will not show up anywhere else on your WordPress blog, without the need for creating standard WordPress posts. Timeline Stories are designed to provide small snippets of information for timeline events - if you wish to create longer posts, I would recommend that you use the standard WordPress post types instead.

= Where can I report an issue or give feedback on the plugin? =

Please direct all issues and feedback to the plugin's [Github repository](https://github.com/matt-d-rat/MF-Timeline "MF Timeline Repository") page which can be found here:

= Do you plan to add any other content sources to the plugin? =

Yes I plan to add a variety of different sources to the plugin in future releases including:

* Flickr
* Youtube
* Facebook

If you have any other ideas for sources I can make available to the timeline then please share them with me.

= Uninstalling MF-Timeline =

1. Deactivate the plugin by going to `wp-admin/plugins.php` and pressing Deactivate.
2. Once deactivated click Delete to remove the plugin files from your WordPress.
3. Optionally you can also remove the table `mf_timeline_stories` created by the plugin, but you will have to manually do this through MySQL or by using a tool such as PHPMyAdmin.

== Screenshots ==

1. MF-Timeline output with default "Facebook style" stylesheets applied, pulling content from Twitter and Wordpress.
2. Showing how to make Wordpress content "featured" on the timeline by setting a custom meta field. (mf_timeline_featured : 1).

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.1.7 =
A new version of MF-Timeline is available. Upgrade to the latest version.

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.7 =
* Fixed date conversion bug for timeline stories which in some cases converted months into days in error.

= 1.1.6 =
* Fixed slashes being added to apostrophes in timeline stories titles and content.

= 1.1.5 =
* Minor fixes and resolved conflicts caused by git-svn rebase.

* Fixed minor bugs which caused fatal errors for object properties being used in a static context for the new activation hook. Fixes issue #2.
* Removed the options.php to condense the code into one single file. Users who have previously activated the plugin prior to this update will need to reactivate the plugin.

= 1.1.3 =
* Fixed PHP fatal error which was caused by referencing object property from static context.

= 1.1.2 =
* Minor bug fixes for PHP warnings and notices.

= 1.1.1 =
* Fixed major bug which caused warnings to be thrown when passing empty events.
* Cleaned up plugin notices and error warnings.
* Refined the timeline event year merge function.

= 1.1 =
* Added support for Timeline Stories. Timeline Stories provide a means of adding content directly to the timeline without the need for creating separate WordPress posts. They are designed to act as snippets of information more than anything - if you plan on creating longer contents, I would recommend you create standard posts instead.
* Timeline stories support html content and provide a similar user interface to that of WordPress posts with the standard TinyMCE editor.
* Added custom plugin table mf_timeline_stories to support the new timeline stories feature.
* Updated plugin support for upgrading database table changes and have tested compatibility with existing plugin usage.
* Re-factored code to be more clean.
* Minor bug fixes.

= 1.0.4 =
* Fixed JS error due to being enqueued before DOM element had been created.

= 1.0.3 =
* Fixed JS error caused by jQuery.stickyfloat plugin when scripts are enqueued.
* Added enqueue call for jQuery library rather than relying on the user to enqueue jQuery through their theme.

= 1.0.2 =
* Corrected git svn version out of date issue.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixed character encoding bug when formatting twitter usernames and hashtags.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release of MF Timeline.
* Supports content from Wordpress and Twitter.
* Wordpress content can be filtered by multiple post types and taxonomies (including custom).
* Twitter content can be filtered by multiple hashtags.