
Demo App Jobs Backend

Primary LanguageRuby

Demo Jobs Backend

This is the backend API for a two sided marketplace (job board) demo app.

It is built with Ruby on Rails in api_only mode, along with MySQL db, Rspec testing, and Sidekiq jobs on Redis server.


Users require Bearer Tokens in order to interact with most endpoints exposed by the API.

You can use Basic Auth to acquire a new bearer token:

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:3000/api/v1/authenticate' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [token]'

where [token] is a base64 encoded string containing 'email:password' credentials.

API will respond with a new token in the form:

    "data": {
        "id": "123",
        "type": "api_key",
        "attributes": {
            "token": "my_token",
            "bearer": {
                "id": "",
                "name": "",
                "email": "",
                "type": ""

You can then make subsequent requests using a Bearer scheme with the newly generated token:

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/api/v1/postings' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer my_token'

To delete a token, you can make a DELETE request to /api/v1/authenticate/:id with your authorization header and api key :id:

curl --location --request DELETE 'localhost:3000/api/v1/authenticate/123' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer my_token'


The following endpoints are exposed by the API v1.

Method Endpoint Description Need Auth
POST /api/v1/authenticate Create an authentication token for request authorization No
DELETE /api/v1/authenticate/:id Delete a previously authenticated token Yes
GET /api/v1/employers/:id Get Employer by unique ID Yes
POST /api/v1/employers Create a new Employer No
PUT /api/v1/employers/:id Update an existing Employer Yes
DELETE /api/v1/employers/:id Delete an existing Employer Yes
GET /api/v1/workers/:id Get Worker by unique ID Yes
POST /api/v1/workers Create a new Worker No
PUT /api/v1/workers/:id Update an existing Worker Yes
DELETE /api/v1/workers/:id Delete an existing Worker Yes
INDEX /api/v1/postings List all job Postings Yes
GET /api/v1/postings/:id Get Posting by unique ID Yes
POST /api/v1/postings Create a new job Posting Yes
PUT /api/v1/postings/:id Update an existing job Posting Yes
DELETE /api/v1/postings/:id Delete an existing job Posting Yes
INDEX /api/v1/applications List all job Applications for current user Yes
GET /api/v1/applications/:id Get job Application by unique ID Yes
POST /api/v1/applications Create a new job Application Yes
PUT /api/v1/applications/:id Update an existing job Application Yes
DELETE /api/v1/applications/:id Delete an existing job Application Yes

All responses are in json format.


This API uses jsonapi-serializer to serialize all models. Responses are of the form:

    "data": {
        "id": "",
        "type": "",
        "attributes": { }


Active Job is used to run background jobs, configured with Sidekiq for queuing backend.

config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq

To run Sidekiq:

bundle exec sidekiq


API uses Rspec for tests, along with Factory Bot to set up Ruby objects as test data, and Faker to generate fake data.

You can run all spec files by executing:

bundle exec rspec

The file db/seeds.rb contains some testing data to populate and test the database locally:

rails db:seed

Seed data contains the following sample credentials:

Model Email Password
Employer batman@crafting.dev crafting.dev
Worker superman@crafting.dev crafting.dev

Local setup

To get started in your local sandbox:

  1. Checkout this repo during your App configuration stage, selecting MySQL and Redis as managed services.
  2. Start sidekiq: bundle exec sidekiq
  3. Populate database with seed data: rails db:seed
  4. Start rails server: rails s
  5. Access any endpoint following authentication rules.

The following App Definition was used to create this API.

- name: api
    - pathPrefix: "/"
        target: backend
        port: api
      disabled: true
- name: backend
  description: Demo App backend using Ruby on Rails
  - name: api
    port: 3001
    protocol: HTTP/TCP
  - path: backend
      git: https://github.com/crafting-dev/demo-jobs-backend
  - name: ruby
    version: 2.7.2
- name: mysql
  serviceType: mysql
  version: '8'
    database: superhero
    password: batman
    username: brucewayne

Notes and Caveats

Sandbox external URL https://XXX.sandboxes.run is readily available for development. But if you are using local Visual Studio Code and want some remote ports locally available, you can define workspace settings to forward the desired remote ports to your local machine.

For example, to forward port 3001 locally, you can create the file .vscode/settings.json and add:

  "remote.SSH.defaultForwardedPorts": [
      "localPort": 3001,
      "name": "api",
      "remotePort": 3001

Then http://localhost:3001 will be accessible for local development.

You can take a look at Demo Jobs UI for an example UI app that consumes this API.