
PC controlled Antenna Analyzer for Amateur Radio.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Antenna Analyzer

PC controlled Antenna Analyzer using a PSoC 4, AD9850 DDS module, and AD8302 module. This Antenna Analyzer will measure SWR and also provide the Resistive and Reactive components of the antenna's impedence. This is based on the RigExpert AA-230 design provided here.

Author: Angad Gill


  • $4 PSoC 4 Prototyping Kit to set the frequency on the AD9850 module, switch the signal to the AD8302 module between the two sides of the SWR bridge, and read the voltage read-outs from the AD8302 module.
  • MiniProg to program the PSoC. This isn't necessary as the PSoC can be programmed using the bootloader, but I haven't tried that feature yet.
  • AD9850 DDS module to produce an accurate clock.
  • AD8302 module to measure the difference in magnitude and phase across the resistive SWR brige.


A serial communication terminal application is needed to interact with the Signal Generator. I prefer to use Python's PySerial package which comes with an excellent miniterm program. It can be installed using pip as follows:
pip install pyserial
And connected to the Signal Generator using the following command:
On Windows: python -m serial.tools.miniterm COM4 115200 -e
On Mac: python -m serial.tools.miniterm /dev/cu.usbmodem14231 115200 -e

  • COM4 is the port for the PSoC 4 Prototyping kit on my Windows computer and /dev/cu.usbmodem1431 is the port on my Mac. Use this command to see all available ports: python -m serial.tools.list_ports
  • 115200 is the baud rate.
  • -e enables the echo mode in minitterm


The code has the following three commands built into it, type them in the terminal and hit Enter to see usage formats:

  • help
  • ant