
Quick and dirty demo of putting a django-like app into docker

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quick and dirty hack to proof of concept wrapping a Python env into docker

for the #devkini folks.

You'd need to "docker login" and replace the registry names in the Makefile when you run it yourself.

There's already a docker image created, so you don't need to rebuild these images, just do a: docker run -p 18888:8000 --name "wagtail-test" angch/wagtail-test

Replace 18888 with the port you want to bind it with, and then open up http://$host:$ip/admin/ Default user/pass is root/root. Initialized with my email, sorry.


Just so you can run and test a version of wagtail, and build on it, without worrying about the OS version, getting libjpeg, pip, python, etc running just right. Skip the compilation phases, the pip install -r requirements.txt steps.

Well, not so good of an example, because it not that hard to get set up.

But since the entire wagtail is in a container, you can do thing such as re-tagging them and uploading to a docker registry you control, so if you run more than once instance over more than one server, e.g. loadbalancing, your downloads and redeploys are much faster than waiting for git or docker pull to grab them over the Internet, effectively doing vendoring for your applications.

No, don't use this for production.