xor cipher for shift base encrypting and decrypting hexadecimal string
Adds an extra layer of protection to your already encrypted code's hex output by essentially turning it into nothing but valid hex.
demo: https://angeal185.github.io/hex-xor-cipher/
$ npm install hex-xor-cipher --save
$ bower install hex-xor-cipher --save
$ git clone git@github.com:angeal185/hex-xor-cipher.git
const hx = require('hex-xor-cipher')
<script src="./path-to/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script src="./dist/hex-xor.min.js"></script>
- Adds a shif-based hex-xor to a valid hex string
with a shift value of1
would become1f1f1f
with a shift value of2
would become2e2e2e
with a shift value of1
and{reverse: true}
would becomef1f1f1
with a shift value of1
and{uppercase: true}
would becomeF1F1F1
with a shift value of1
and{buff: [1,2]}
might become73f1f1f1c48e
//default options
reverse: false, // {boolean} ~ reverse hex string
uppercase: false, // {boolean} ~ output uppercase hex
buff: false // {boolean/array} ~ prepend/append random hex buffer
* reverse should be set to either true or false for both
encrypt/decrypt ~ default: false
* buff accepts either a boolean for false or an array for true.
~ [1,2] would prepend/slice 1 byte(2 hex chars) to the start
and append/slice 2 bytes(4 hex chars) of random data to the end
* callback
* htc.enc(hex, key, config, cb) / htc.dec(hex, key, config, cb)
* @param {string} hex ~ valid hex string
* @param {integer} shift ~ integer between 1-15
* @param {object} config ~ optional options
* @param {function} cb ~ callback function(err,data)
hx.enc(testStr, shift, config, cb) //returns callback
hx.dec(testStr, shift, config, cb) //returns callback
* sync
* htc.encSync(hex, key, config)
* @param {string} hex ~ valid hex string
* @param {integer} shift ~ integer between 1-15
* @param {object} config ~ optional options
hx.encSync(testStr, shift, config) //returns a string
hx.decSync(testStr, shift, config) //returns a string
* promise
* hx.encP(testStr, shift) / hx.decP(testStr, shift)
* @param {string} hex ~ valid hex string
* @param {integer} shift ~ integer between 1-15
* @param {object} config ~ optional options
hx.encP(testStr, shift, config) //returns a promise
hx.decP(testStr, shift, config) //returns a promise
// demo
const testStr = '01234567890abcdef',
shift = 1,
config = {
reverse: true,
uppercase: true,
buff: [2,4]
/* callback */
hx.enc(testStr, shift, config, function(err, data){
if(err){return console.log(err)}
// decrypt
hx.dec(data, shift, config, function(err,data){
if(err){return console.log(err)}
/* end callback */
/* sync */
// encrypt
let encSync = hx.encSync(testStr, shift, config),
// decrypt
decSync = hx.decSync(encSync, shift, config);
console.log('sync enc: ' + encSync)
console.log('sync dec: ' + decSync)
/* end sync */
/* promise */
hx.encP(testStr, shift, config).then(function(res) {
console.log('promise enc: ' + res);
hx.decP(res, shift, config).then(function(res) {
console.log('promise dec: ' + res);
/* end promise */