
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Anime API

The project is about listing anime shows by a search by their name, initially intented to do it with django rest framework and VueJS but decided it's best for this to be only Django (never worked only with django, so that's my best). I almost implemented and a vertical histogram about showing how many shows are based on their rating, so for example rating is from 1-10, if we search for naruto and there are 5 animes with rating above 9 that'll be Rating 9 - 5 shows, but only the backend part is implemented.

You can also go into a more detailed view and see a chart pie of liked/disliked ratio percentage.

Commands to run the project

git clone git@github.com:angel-obretenov/anime.git

cd anime

virtualenv venv

source venv/bin/activate # if using mac/linux

venv\Scripts\activate # if using Windows

pip install -r requirements.txt

python manage.py migrate

python manage.py runserver

Hit localhost:8000 or and that's it!