
API for Binance P2P

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Binance P2P API

This is written in Node.js visit Nodejs.org.

  1. npm install
  2. Rename edit-this.env to .env
  3. Edit the contents of .env
    ACCESS_KEY=[Your Binance access key]
    SECRET_KEY=[Your Binance secret key]
  4. Run node

Making a Signed Request

On this example we can use the endpoint: /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/getUserOrderDetail

  1. Make sure you have updated the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY on .env file.

  2. Update the parameters for this call

    let data = {
      adOrderNo: req.query.adOrderNo, // required
      timestamp: Date.now(), // timestamp is important to signed requests
  3. Convert the parameters (payload) into a query string

    function objectToQuerystring(data) {
      return Object.keys(data)
        .map((key) => key + "=" + data[key])
    Note: You can add a URLencode method here upon parsing object to query string if needed.
  4. Hash the query string in SHA256 HMAC format.

    function createSignature(data) {
      return crypto.createHmac("sha256", SECRET_KEY).update(data).digest("hex");
  5. Append the created signature on the parameters.

    data.signature = createSignature(objectToQuerystring(data));
  6. Form the url for making a request.

    let url = `${BASE_URL}${endpoint}?${objectToQuerystring(data)}`;
  7. The url should look like below but exactly as it is because of the timestamp and the signature.

  8. Make a post request along with the data.

    let result = await axios
      .post(url, data)
      .then(function (response) {
        return response.data;
      .catch(function (error) {
        return error;
  9. You should get the order details of the selected AdOrderNo.


Create a P2P instance

const p2p = new BinanceP2P({
  accessKey: "Your binance access key here",
  secretKey: "Your binance secret key here",


fetchTradeHistory(params): Returns history of P2P trades
  • Params
  tradeType: "BUY" | "SELL"
  • Result
performP2PAdsSearch(params): Returns results from currently published P2P ads.
  • Params
  asset: "", // e.g: "USDT"
  fiat: "", // e.g: "USD"
  trade_type: "BUY" | "SELL", // default: "SELL"
  trans_amount: Number,  // default: 100
  • Result
fetchOrderDetail(orderNumer): Returns order details
  • Input:

    • orderNumber: String | Number
  • Result

fetchOrderChatMessages(params): Returns chat messages for given orderNumber
  • Params
  orderNumber: String | Number,
  page: Number, // default: 1
  rows: Number, // default: 10
  • Result
startAd(adNumber): Marks ad as published
  • Input:

    • adNumber: String | Number
  • Result

stopAd(adNumber): Sets ad status as offline
  • Input:

    • adNumber: String | Number
  • Result

releaseOrderFunds(adNumber): Given an order number, releases the funds
  • Input:

    • orderNumber: String
    • authType: "GOOGLE" | "SMS" | "FIDO2" | "FUND_PWD"
    • confirmPaidType: "quick" | "normal"
    • code: String
  • Result



  • Codegen js api docs (typedoc)
  • Codegen swagger api docs (swagger-express-ts or tsoa)
  • Move express project into "example" folder
    • & export only the binancep2p client + 'express router' in tree-shakeable manner
    • e.g: import { BinanceP2P } from "binance-p2p" & import { BinanceP2PExpressEndpoints } from "binance-p2p/express"
  • Publish to npm