
MediMe is a mobile health passport developed with the intention to help improve current healthcare efficiency, and to enhance the doctor-patient experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dashboard Mockup


MediMe is a mobile health passport developed with the intention to help improve current healthcare efficiency, and to enhance the doctor-patient experience. This app is perfect for individuals who would like to have a central place to keep track of all their medical health records.


Project Stack

Front-End: HTML, SASS, JavaScript, React, Axios, Material UI
Back-End: Express, Nodejs, ElephantSQL (PostgreSQL cloud database)
Testing: Storybook, JEST, Cypress

Final Product

Screens Mockup

Lab record tracking

Labs gif

Medication instructions and refills

Meds gif

Vaccination dose schedule

Vax and dose gif

Getting Started

Fork this repository, and clone your fork of the repository. You will need to have TWO terminals to run the app.

React Front End

  1. In one terminal, cd into react-front-end and install the dependencies with npm install

  2. Once the dependencies are installed, run npm start

  3. In your browser, go to localhost:3001

  4. Sign up for your MediMe account!

Database Setup

  1. In the second terminal, cd into express-back-end and create a .env file by using .env.example as a reference: cp .env.example .env

  2. Create an ElephantSQL account on their webpage: https://www.elephantsql.com/ and copy the URL or database authentication info into the .env file

  3. To reset database, cd into express-back-end and run command: npm run db:reset

Express Back End

  1. After database is set up, within express-back-end install the dependencies with npm install

  2. Once the dependencies are installed, run npm start to start the server


React Front End

  • Axios
  • Classnames
  • Material UI
  • Node-sass
  • Normalize.css
  • React
  • React-dom
  • React-router-dom
  • React-scripts
  • Web-vitals

Express Back End

  • Bcryptjs
  • Body-parser
  • Dotenv
  • Express
  • Pg
  • Pg-native