
A list of available and reserved slots for satRdays

Events calendar

A list of available and reserved slots for satRdays so that we can keep track of what's happening around the world. Our events and this repo are subject to our Code of Conduct which you can find alongside info on what the requirements are around running a satRday event on our knowledge base.

Event scheduling

We're currently doing two new events per "region" per quarter to help ensure events can access a decent speaker and attendee pool.

We'll be looking to up the frequency of events as we go and, of course, "rest of world" is pretty darn big so we can probably bust the limitation immediately if the demand to run events is there.

We're currently aiming not to clash within region by running on the same months, so if someone in the quarter you're reserving or an annual event already has dibs on a month, try to avoid date clashes.

Signing up

  1. Read What's involved with running an event and what rules / principals you'll need to adhere to
  2. Get the ball rolling on reserving an event slot by submitting a Pull Request of this page with this info added into the relevant section:
- Berlin, DE
    + Owner: [@username](//github.com/username)
    + Expected size: ...
    + Date: 2019 Q2
    + Additional info: ...

If you would like a hand on submitting a pull request, or want to chat about running an event, join us on slack

SatRdays that can run on an annual basis

These are satRdays organiser groups / locations that have already run a satRday and are looking to continue running on an annual basis. By folks running annual events and us increasing the number of new events, we will be growing the numebr of events taaking place each year dramatically.

  • Capetown, SA
    • Owner: @datawookie
    • Expected size: ...
    • Next Date: ...
    • Additional info: ...
  • Cardiff, UK
    • Owner: @daveparr
    • Expected size: 100
    • Next Date: ?? April 2019
    • Additional info: ...
  • Budapest, HUN
    • Owner: @daroczig
    • Expected size: ...
    • Next Date: ...
    • Additional info: ...
  • Amsterdam, NL
    • Owner: @dkoaning
    • Expected size: ...
    • Next Date: ...
    • Additional info: ...

New satRdays - 2018

We're currently doing up to two new events per region per quarter to help ensure there is an adequate speaker and attendee pool - we will, of course, be upping this limit as time goes on.

Europe [2/2 slots filled]

US [1/2 slots filled]

  • Washington DC
    • Owner: @beemyfriend
    • Expected size: <200
    • Quarter: Fall 2018
    • Additional info: ...

Rest of World [1/2 slots filled]

  • Santiago, CL
    • Owner: @rivaquiroga
    • Expected size: 150
    • Date: December 2018
    • Additional info: ...

New satRdays in January - March 2019

Europe [2/2 slots filled]

  • Newcastle, UK
    • Owner: @csgillespie
    • Expected size: ...
    • Date: 2019 Q1
    • Additional info: ...
  • Paris, FR
    • Owner: @colinfay
    • Expected size: 150
    • Date: 23th february
    • Additional info: Location — AgroParisTech

US [0/2 slots filled]

Rest of World [1/2 slots filled]

  • Fez, MOR

    • Owner: @username
    • Expected size: ...
    • Date: 2019 Q1
    • Additional info: ...
  • Kampala, Uganda(East Africa)

    • Owner: @markoke
    • Expected size: 150
    • Date: March 2019 Q1
    • Additional info: Finance, Agriculture and Finacial Inclusion

New satRdays in April - June 2019

Europe [2/2 slots filled]

  • Gdansk, POL
    • Owner: @olgnaydn
    • Expected size: 150
    • Date: 2019 Q2
    • Additional info: ...
  • Berlin, DE
    • Owner: @username
    • Expected size: ...
    • Date: 2019 Q2
    • Additional info: ...

US [2/2 slots filled]

  • Los Angeles, USA
    • Owner: @amy17519
    • Expected size: <200
    • Quarter: Spring 2019
    • Additional info:
  • Chicago, USA
    • Owner: @angela-li
    • Expected size: 150-200
    • Quarter: Spring 2019
    • Additional info:

Rest of World [0/2 slots filled]

New satRdays in July - September 2019

Europe [1/3 slots filled]

  • Bratislavia, SVK
    • Owner: @radovankavicky
    • Expected size: 200
    • Date: 2019 Q3
    • Additional info: ...

US [0/3 slots filled]

Rest of World [0/3 slots filled]

New satRdays in October - December 2019

Europe [1/3 slots filled]

  • Geneva, CH

US [0/3 slots filled]

Rest of World [0/3 slots filled]

New satRdays in January - March 2020

Europe [0/3 slots filled]

US [0/3 slots filled]

Rest of World [0/3 slots filled]