An e-commerce website exhibiting fashionable clothes and accessories with various colors and sizes, coming with delightful user experience and comprehensive functionalities.

  • Built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS; optimized with RWD and SEO.
  • Connected to RESTful API to get product data, using AJAX and PJAX to partially render a page in order to improve page speed.
  • Implemented infinite scroll & carousel in main page to enhance UX.
  • Handled product variants in product page using MVC design pattern.
  • Applied local storage to implement shopping cart functionality.
  • Implemented payment service and login functionality with third party APIs— including TapPay SDK and Facebook SDK. STYLiSH

Demo Link


Front-End Basic

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript(ES6)
  • RWD
  • RESTful APIs
  • Web Storage


  • TapPay
  • Facebook


  • Version Control: Git, GitHub
  • Lint Tools: ESLint, Prettier
  • Tools for Business: Google Analytics