
Angela Lin, Madina Radjabova, Ida Huang's version of the popular card game, "BS"

Primary LanguageJava

TeamGemini: BS

A popular game, known through out the land as "Bullshit", in textbooks as "I Doubt It" and across the sea in the ole land of Britain as "Cheat", "BS" is an addictive card game that is played at parties and during times of boredom. The game may be played by 2-10 players, though in our version, there are 2 players: the user and the computer, using a standard deck of cards.

How to Play:

Our version of BS (which we dub, BlueSushi) is a little different from the original game. Because there are only two players (the computer and the human player), we only use half a deck at a time, in order to avoid the ridiculous case of the player knowing exactly what the computer has--the other half of the full deck. The player always goes first, and is told to put down a 1, which stands for A. The player and computer then take turns placing cards in ascending order. A 10 is followed by a Jack, Queen, then King, and afterwards, the cycle reverts back to Ace. All cards discarded are placed into a center pile, face down.

*Things to Know: A = 1 J = 11 Q = 12 K = 13

A player may place down any card, even if it does not match what the player should be putting down. A player may also place down more than four cards, but as a deck never has more than four cards of the same number, the player is then susceptible to being called BS on.

Any player who suspects that the card(s) placed down by another player do not match the rank called can call "BS" or "Bullshit" and challenge the validity of the play. At this point, the cards that have been placed down are overturned and the play is tested.

  1. If the cards are all of the rank that was called, the challenge will be nullified, and the person who called "BS" must pick up the whole center pile.
  2. If the cards are not all of the rank that was called, the challenge will be justified, and the person who last played the cards will have to pick up the whole center pile.

After the challenge is resolved, the play continues in a normal fashion. He/She who clears his hand first by ridding himself of all the cards wins the game.

To Play:

Simply download, unpackage, and enter the following into your terminal:

$ cd path/to/unpackaged/folder
$ javac *.java ; java run Run.java

Make sure you have Java installed.

Unfortunately, the game is a little slow and sometimes buggy.


Angela Lin, Madina Radjabova, Ida Huang

Stuyvesant High School, New York City


madina9696@gmail.com, angela97lin@gmail.com, ihuangda@gmail.com