
The metrics framework is a Mule application intended to collect, aggregate and load platform metrics into different visualization systems; providing out of the box integrations and visualization options, including useful dashboards and charts.

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Table of Contents

Metrics Framework

The metrics framework is a Mule application intended to collect, aggregate and load platform metrics into different visualization systems; providing out of the box integrations and visualization options, including useful dashboards and charts. In addition to the platform metrics, the framework also extends the capabilities to integrate with external applications like Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Bitbucket and Splunk to gather SDLC metrics. This is an UNLICENSED software, please review the considerations. If you need assistance for extending this, contact MuleSoft Professional Services


  • Compact Mule application (1 single application)
  • Provides more than 100 metrics from 3 complementary domains:
    • Platform Operational Metrics: collected and calculated automatically based on multiple products from Anypoint Platform: Exchange, Design Center, Runtime Manager, Access Management; covering metrics from applications deployed on-prem (Standalone), RTF and CloudHub.
    • Platform Benefits: require manual input to calculate final metrics, crossing information from the "Platform Operational" domain
    • External sdlc Metrics: collected and calculated automatically based on multiple external applications: Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Bitbucket and Splunk;



  • Poller (Push mode)

    • Collects, transforms and loads metrics in a defined visualization system
    • Configurable - frequency (cron expression and timezone ) and status (enabled/disabled).
  • API to manage the asset:

    • API endpoint to obtain metrics on-demand (Pull mode)
    • API endpoint for triggering a specific loader to push data to a visualization system
    • API endpoint for loading platform benefits - manual input required

Loader options

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • Plain Log: in case you forward logs to external systems (e.g using Splunk forwarder)
  • Splunk: Including an out of the box dashboard with more than 100 charts
  • ELK: Including out of the box, basic, Kibana dashboards
  • Anypoint Monitoring: Requires Titanium subscription, dashboard is not provided
  • Tableau: (Not available yet)

Available Metrics

Platform Metrics

Product Metric Dimensions -
Access Management Users Total BG
Access Management Active Users BG
Access Management Inactive Users BG
Access Management Active Users Last 60 days BG
Access Management Active Users Last 30 days BG
Access Management Environments Total BG
Access Management Environments Production Total BG
Access Management Environments Sandbox Total BG
Access Management API Client Applications Total BG
Design Center Assets Total BG
Design Center API Specs Total BG
Design Center Fragments Total BG
Design Center Flow Designer Apps Total BG
Exchange Assets Total BG
Exchange API Specs Total BG
Exchange Mule 3 Connectors Total BG
Exchange SOAP APIs Total BG
Exchange Fragments Total BG
Exchange HTTP Proxies Total BG
Exchange Policies Total BG
Exchange Extensions Total BG
Exchange Custom Assets Total BG
Exchange Overall Satisfaction BG
Exchange API Fragments reuse BG
Exchange API Spec reuse BG
Exchange Extensions reuse BG
Exchange API Specs managed in API Manager reuse BG, Environment
Exchange Policies applied in API Manager reuse BG, Environment
API Manager API Specs Managed Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Active Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Inactive Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Versions Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances With Policies Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Without Policies Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances With Security Policies Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Without Security Policies Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances With Contracts Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances Without Contracts Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances With More Than One Consumer Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Instances With One or More Consumers Total BG, Environment
API Manager API Contracts Total BG, Environment
API Manager Policies Used BG, Environment
API Manager Policies Used Total BG, Environment
API Manager Automated Policies Used BG, Environment
API Manager Automated Policies Used Total BG, Environment
API Analytics Transactions Last 30 days Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking VPCs Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking VPCs Available Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking VPCs Used Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking VPNs Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking VPNs Available Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking VPNs Used Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking DLBs Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking DLBs Available Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking DLBs Used Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking Static IPs Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking Static IPs Available Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Networking Static IPs Used Total BG
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications vCores Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications vCores Available Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications vCores Used Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications Applications Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications Applications Started Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications Applications Stopped Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications Runtime Versions Used BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - CloudHub - Applications Runtime Versions Used Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Fabrics Total BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Workers Total BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Controllers Total BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Cores Allocated Total BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Memory Allocated Total BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Cores Allocated Per Fabric Average BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Capacity Memory Allocated Per Fabric Average BG
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Cores Allocated Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Memory Allocated Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Applications Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Applications Started Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Applications Stopped Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Runtime Versions Used BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - RTF - Applications Runtime Versions Used Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Servers Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Clusters Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Server Groups Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Applications Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Applications Started Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Applications Stopped Total BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Runtime Versions BG, Environment
RuntimeManager - Standalone Mule Runtime Versions Total BG, Environment
MQ Queues total BG, Environment, Region
MQ FIFO Queues total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Queues In Flight Messages total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Queues Received Messages total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Queues Sent Messages total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Queues ACK Messages total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Exchanges total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Exchanges Published Messages total BG, Environment, Region
MQ Exchanges Delivered Messages total BG, Environment, Region

Platform Benefits

These metrics require manual inputs

Name Dimensions
Developer Productivity BG
Platform Benefits BG
Savings From API Reuse BG
Savings From Maintenance Productivity BG
Savings From Reuse in Maintenance BG
Total Savings BG

SDLC Metrics

These metrics are optional and can be cherry picked as per your requirement

Name Metric
BitBucket Total Number of BitBucket Repositories
Confluence Total Number of Confluence pages
Confluence Total Number of Confluence pages created in the last 30 days
Confluence Total Number of Confluence pages updated in the last 30 days
Confluence Top Contributors in the last 30 days and associated number of pages created
Jenkins Total Number of Jenkins jobs
Jenkins Total Number of failed Jenkins jobs
Jenkins Total Number of successful Jenkins jobs
Jenkins Total Number of unexecuted Jenkins jobs
Jira Total Number of Jira stories in the backlog
Jira Total Number of Jira stories in the current sprint
Jira Jira stories categorized by type and associated count in the current sprint
Jira Jira stories categorized by status and associated count in the current sprint
Splunk Total Number of Splunk dashboards



  • Mule Runtime 4.2.1 or above
  • All deployments models are supported: CloudHub, OnPrem hosted Runtimes, Runtime Fabric
  • Anypoint Platform user with the Organization Administrator role in the master organization and all Sub Orgs you want to collect data
  • (Optional for SDLC metrics) Authorized user with API access to any of the applications: Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Bitbucket and Splunk for which you want to gather data.


  1. Clone or download the project from GitHub git clone git@github.com:mulesoft-consulting/metrics-framework-m4.git

  2. Adjust the properties, run the project and test it - go to your browser and open http://localhost:8081/console/

  3. Use the postman collection provided (/postman) to understand the API

  4. If you want to run the application using the poller mode, you have to configure some properties

Properties configurations

  • Default configurations defined in /src/main/resources/properties/metrics-framework.{env}.yaml:
  • Make sure to encrypt all sensitive data using the Secure Properties Module: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-runtime/4.2/secure-configuration-properties.
  • Default secure config file defined in /src/main/resources/properties/secure/metrics-framework.{env}.yaml
  • Example mule.key used and configured as a Global Property under global.xml file
Name Description Default Value
http.port The port for exposing the metrics-framework API 8081
poller.enabled Property to enable or disable the poller to collect and load metrics in external systems false
poller.frequency.cron Defines the exact frequency (using cron-expressions) to trigger the execution: Recommended to collect metrics once a day 0 0 0 * * ? *
poller.frequency.timezone Defines the time zone in which the cron-expression will be efective GMT-3
aggregation.raw Flag to define the format of the final response False: Won’t provide the raw data but final metrics True: Will provide raw data to be aggregated outside this asset false
loader.strategy In the case of using the poller, this property defines the strategy for loading data in external systems, the options are: csv, json, logger, splunk, am, elk, tableau logger
anypoint.platform.host Anypoint Platform Host. Change to eu1.anypoint.mulesoft.com if using the EU Control Plane or to a private host if using PCE anypoint.mulesoft.com
auth.username Anypoint Platform username
auth.password Anypoint Platform password
auth.orgId Anypoint Platform master org Id
ignoreLists.organizations An array (comma-separated values) of Anypoint Platform sub-organizations id that will be ignored while retrieving metrics e.g "cdfa4e7d-47cd-n1h1-8f39-6a73fbb9ffcb, cdfa4e7d-47cd-n2h2-8f39-6a73fbb9ffcb"

SDLC metrics collectors properties configuration

Name Description Default Value
sdlc.confluence.enabled Property to enable or disable application to collect metrics from Confluence false
sdlc.confluence.host Confluence server host
sdlc.confluence.port Confluence server port
sdlc.confluence.path Context url of the Confluence REST API
sdlc.confluence.user Authorized Confluence user to access REST APIs
sdlc.confluence.token User token to access REST APIs
sdlc.bitbucket.enabled Property to enable or disable application to collect metrics from Bitbucket false
sdlc.bitbucket.host Bitbucket server host
sdlc.bitbucket.port Bitbucket server port
sdlc.bitbucket.path Context url of the Bitbucket REST API
sdlc.bitbucket.user Authorized Bitbucket user to access REST APIs
sdlc.bitbucket.token User token to access REST APIs
sdlc.jira.enabled Property to enable or disable application to collect metrics from Jira false
sdlc.jira.host Jira server host
sdlc.jira.port Jira server port
sdlc.jira.path Context url of the Jira REST API
sdlc.jira.backlogPath Context url of the Jira REST API to fetch stories from backlog
sdlc.jira.user Authorized Jira user to access REST APIs
sdlc.jira.token User token to access REST APIs
sdlc.jenkins.enabled Property to enable or disable application to collect metrics from Jenkins false
sdlc.jenkins.host Jenkins server host
sdlc.jenkins.port Jenkins server port
sdlc.jenkins.path Context url of the Jenkins REST API
sdlc.jenkins.user Authorized Jenkins user to access REST APIs
sdlc.jenkins.token User token to access REST APIs
sdlc.splunk.enabled Property to enable or disable application to collect metrics from Splunk false
sdlc.splunk.host Splunk server host
sdlc.splunk.port Splunk server port
sdlc.splunk.path Context url of the Splunk REST API
sdlc.splunk.user Authorized Splunk user to access REST APIs
sdlc.splunk.password Password to access REST APIs

Splunk steps

  1. Create 2 indexes: metrics and platform_benefits (of type Events)
  2. In the Splunk instance configure an HTTP Event Collector (HEC) associated to these 2 indexes, format _json
  3. The token obtained will be used as part of the properties of the Mule application
  4. Load the dashboards, simply copy the xmls provided under /dashboards/splunk to {SPLUNK_HOME}/etc/apps/{APP_NAME}/local/data/ui/views
  5. If you can't copy the dashboard xmls, you can use the UI to create them and using the "Source" option, you can copy & paste the content of the xmls provided

Follow official Splunk documentation: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/

Properties specific for Splunk

Name Description Default Value
splunk.host HTTP Event Collector (HEC) host
splunk.port HEC port 8088
splunk.protocol HEC endpoint protocol: HTTPS or HTTP HTTP
splunk.token HEC token
splunk.source HEC source metrics-source
splunk.source.type Source Type _json
splunk.index.metrics Index for storing Platform operational metrics metrics
splunk.index.benefits Index for storing Platform benefits platform_benefits

ELK steps

  1. The Framework will load data into the metrics and platformbenefits indexes. Once data is loaded create an index pattern on Kibana for these indexes
  2. Set the loader strategy to elk on the metrics-framework-{env}.yaml file, along with the elk.user and elk.password parameters in the secure metrics-framework-{env}.yaml file
  3. To load the dashboards, replace the <YOUR-INDEX-PATTERN-ID> occurrences on all of the dashboards provided under /dashboards/elk with your index pattern ID. The index pattern ID can be obtained on Kibana under Management>>Index Patterns
  4. Log into your Kibana instance, and on the Management>>Saved Objects menu, click on import for each dashboard. This will import all dashboards and visualizations

Follow official ELK documentation: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/index.html https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/index.html

Properties specific for ELK

Name Description Default Value
elk.host Elasticsearch host
elk.port Elasticsearch port 9200
elk.protocol Elasticsearch protocol: HTTP HTTP
elk.user Elasticsearch username
elk.password Elasticsearch password
elk.index.metrics Index for storing Platform operational metrics metrics
elk.index.benefits Index for storing Platform benefits platformbenefits


  • This application can be deployed in any Mule Runtime (OnPrem, CloudHub, RTF)
  • The metrics collection will depend on the features available in each account; e.g if the account has the API Manager add-on, the framework will collect and aggregate the metrics related to API Manager, otherwise the values will appear as zeroes; if using PCE, there won't be information about API Analytics

Some Theory around the Framework

The framework is intended to cover the main areas to define and implement metrics using Mule.

Business Needs

There are several business needs around the definition of metrics. The principal goal is to provide visibility on 4 main areas: People/Teams, Projects, Processes and Technology. By having visibility on these areas, the involved stakeholders can make decisions, anticipate technical and non-technical needs and optimize time and resources

Data Sources

Any system containing raw data


  1. Basic measurements:


  • Number of projects
  • Number of incidents
  1. Complex/Composed measurements


  • Average daily-TPS per application/project
  • vCores usage per application/project - monthly
  1. Indexes/KPIs


  • Growth
  • Tendencies
  • Efficiency / Performance

Problem Space

How to link business needs, measurements and data sources?

Approach - Conceptual

  1. Event: Canonical object representing a metric, based on dimensions and facts

  2. Collectors: Processes to Collect raw data from different data sources

  3. Aggregators/Transformers: Transform (calculate, compose, enrich, build metric/event normalized/denormalized objects

  4. Loaders: Processes to send/load events into external storages/systems

  5. Visualization: Third party systems for showing charts and dashboards based on metrics-events (e.g Microstrategy, Tableau, Splunk dashboards, ELK, custom dashboards, BI software, etc)



High Level Approach


Implementation Approach

Final Notes

Enjoy and provide feedback / contribute :)