
A Rails console application demonstrating the rules of movement for a Knight in Chess.

Primary LanguageRuby

Knight Moves

Knight Moves is a Ruby console application, that when provided with a start position and end position on the command line, responds with:

  1. An array of possible series of moves for a knight to get from the start to end square, eg, [a1-b3-d4, a1-c2-b4, ...]
  2. An empty array if there is no path within 4 squares
  3. An appropriate error message in case of bad data / format

Some Rules

  • Each square the knight travels should be listed with dashes between.
  • There should be no looping paths with the same square repeated again in the same series of moves.
  • The paths should be sorted alphabetically.
  • Ignore any paths with more than 4 moves.


This application is built based off an 8x8 standard Chessboard grid. The y axis of this grid is numerical and the x axis is alphabetical. Please see diagram below for reference:

  • check if squares are valid
  • calculate the all offsets for potential moves based on the mechanics of the Knight
  • calculate the offsets for a specific square
  • calculate the next move based off the offset of a valid square
  • use recursion to calculate the following moves in order to get to the end square
  • once all possible outcomes are calculated,
    • ignore any paths with more than 4 moves
    • sort each list alphabetically
    • seperate each square in array with dashes


Before running the console application, please ensure Ruby is installed on your computer.

ruby => 2.1.0p0

To check your version run:

$ ruby -v

To learn how to install ruby visit: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/installation/]https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/installation/()

Testing Instructions

gem install rspec

To run specs locally:

rspec spec

Usage Instructions

To run this module:

::KnightMoves::Chessboard.calculate_moves(current_position, destination_position, visited_squares)


::KnightMoves::Chessboard.calculate_moves("a1", "d4", [])

To calculate the next possible moves based off a given square, run:

irb(main):145:0> ::KnightMoves::Chessboard.calculate_next_moves("a1")
=> ["c2", "b3"]


As modules are static(i.e: data stored in a module exists exactly once), I chose to build this console application in a module.

I started building this application by identifying the key features. This lead me to build each feature in a feature branch to ensure I was isolating each problem.

Working on the algorithm was the most challenging part of this application and due to time constraints, I was unable to finish it.

Moving forward, I would work on the following:

  • finish solving algorithm to calculate knights moves
  • abstract validation logic into policy object
  • move calculate_next_moves logic into a service that returns success or failure depending on the result