
TravelTrax project1 for WDI6

Primary LanguageRuby


General Assembly Web Development Immersive Project 1

link: http://traveltrax.herokuapp.com/

Travel Trax is a Ruby on Rails web application built to help you keep track of your travels, whether it be a daily adventure or a trip across the world.

Problem and Solution


  • When you travel, where do you keep track of your itinerary?


  • Create a web application that allows travellers to note highlights of their itinerary without it being public.


When a user is directed to the we application, they will be directed to a landing page, allowing them the option to signup or login. Once an account has been created and the user has logged in successfully, they will be rediected to a dashboard.

Through the dashboard, users are able to add countries, photos and create blog entries. Each entry has a location and that location is associated to a country. Users are also able to view the places theyve travelled to on a map.

Models and Associations

Api's and Gems

Inital designs

Dashboard design

Login and signup designs

Blog posts designs