A vagrant configuration to run Neo4j in a VirtualBox.
The setup script is a simple bash shell script (no chef/puppet/etc). I wanted a simple, lightweight, and standalone script to build my environment, but it may not be appropriate for everyone's needs.
Running vagrant up
will download and install:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Base Box)
precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
Oracle Java JRE
By downloading Java you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the terms of the end user license agreement
- Neo4j Community Edition
(A)GPLv3 License
Port 7474 is forwarded from the host to the guest for accessing Neo4j from the host machine.
- VirtualBox (version 4.2 or later)
- Vagrant
If you would prefer to install using npm:
npm install vagrant-neo4j
The above requirements still must be installed separately.
npm start
and npm stop
are aliases of vagrant up
and vagrant destroy -f
respectively. Though, this is true whether installed via npm or not.
If you are using Windows 8.1, make sure to you are using VirtualBox 4.3.2 or later. There were compatibility problems in older versions which caused BSOD.