
October CMS plugin to handle Stripe and Braintree payments using Laravel Cashier

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October Cashier Plugin

October CMS plugin to handle Stripe and Braintree payments using Laravel Cashier.

Caution: This plugin only works with Laravel 5.5 based October CMS installations (Build 420+). Older builds are not supported!

This plugin integrates Laravel Cashier with the help of Rainlab.User into October CMS. You can do "one-off" charges on your Rainlab users or subscribe them to your Stripe plans.

The plugin comes preloaded with simple Stripe Elements form and invoice list components. All features of Laravel Cashier are available. An easily customizable invoice view and some useful events have been added for this October CMS version of Cashier.


In config/services.php replace the stripe configuration with the following:

'stripe' => [
   'model'   => \OFFLINE\Cashier\Models\User::class,
   'key'     => env('STRIPE_KEY'),
   'secret'  => env('STRIPE_SECRET'),
   'webhook' => [
       'url'     => '/stripe/webhook',
       'handler' => '\OFFLINE\Cashier\Classes\WebhookController@handleWebhook'

Now add your STRIPE_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET to your .env file.


Make sure to include the October CMS framework extras if you want to use the StripeElementsForm component.

You're done!

Use the Cashier specific User Model

To have access to the subscriptions relationship and other October CMS optimizations make sure to always use OFFLINE\Cashier\Models\User instead of RainLab\User\Models\User and you are good to go. The Auth service gets patched to always return the right model automatically.

Handle Stripe Webhooks

To receive Stripe webhooks configure Stripe to send them to https://<your-site>/stripe/webhook (you can change this URL via the services.stripe.webhook.url config entry).

Subscription cancellation on failed charges are handled by default by Laravel Cashier. If you wish to react to other webhooks listen for the generic offline.cashier::stripe.webhook.received event that is fired for all incomming webhooks or create a listener for a specific webhook event like offline.cashier::stripe.webhook.invoice.payment_succeeded (using the format offline.cashier::stripe.webhook.<stripe_webhook_type>). All event listeners receive a $payload and a $request variable.

Alternatively you can set your own webhook handler controller in the services.stripe.webhook.handler config entry and implement everything yourself.

Event::listen('offline.cashier::stripe.webhook.invoice.payment_succeeded', function ($payload, $request) {
    $subscription = $payload['data']['object']['subscription'];
    $user = \OFFLINE\Cashier\Models\User::fromSubscriptionId($subscription);

    $user->payment_succeeded_at = \Carbon\Carbon::now();

    logger()->debug('Received payment', compact('user', 'subscription'));



This component lists all invoices of a specific user account.

Use your own number formatter

If you want to have complete control over the way the amounts are formatted in your invoices, you have the possibility to listen for the offline.cashier::format.amount event and format the amount yourself.

Event::listen('offline.cashier::format.amount', function ($amount) {
    return number_format((float)$amount / 100, 2, '.', "'") . ' CHF';

Customize the invoice template

The invoice template is stored in views/receipt.htm. You can copy this template and store it in your own plugin or theme. To load your own partial for the invoices set the new view path in the backend settings of Cashier.

You can pass additional data to the invoice using the repeater on the backend settings form. Each variable you specify will be available in the template. This is useful if you want to show a phone number or email address on your invoices.



Specify the id of the user you want to load the invoices for. If you leave this blank the currently logged in user will be used.


Whether or not to include pending invoices in the list.


For performance reasons the invoice list is loaded asynchronously. During the loading period this string is displayed to the user (defaults to Loading invoices...).


This component provides you with a simple starting point to integrate Stripe Elements into your Website.

Simply add the component to your page and you will be presented with a simple credit card input form.

Token Handler Callback

To extend the default stripeTokenHandler function that receives the generated Stripe token, simply copy the plugins/offline/cashier/components/stripeelementsform/tokenHandler.js to themes/<yourtheme>/partials/stripeElementsForms/tokenHandler.js and modify as needed.

Handle form submission

When the user submits the form the offline.cashier::stripeElementForm.submit event is triggered. You can listen for this event in your own plugin and store the payment information for later use, charge your user or create a subscription.

Checkout the Laravel Cashier Documentation for more information on how to use the generated stripeToken to charge or subscribe a user.

For a working example see the code below:

public function boot()

    Event::listen('offline.cashier::stripeElementForm.submit', function ($post) {
        $token = $post['token']['id'] ?? null;
        if ( ! $token) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Stripe token is missing!');

        $user = \Auth::getUser();
        $user->newSubscription('main', 'users-selected-plan-id')->create($token);

        return [
            'redirect' => \Url::to('thank-you')



This property includes the https://js.stripe.com/v3/ code into your page. If you have multiple instances of the component on one page make sure to enable this property only on one of them. If you include the code globally you can safely uncheck this property.


This property includes the styles.htm partial from the component (which you can overwrite) with the component. If you defined your Stripe Elements styles gl


This property specifies the submit button's label during the form submission.


Place this component on any page that is only accessible by users with a valid subscription. Users without a valid subscription are redirected to the page you defined.

Extend the subscription logic

If you need to extend the subscription logic you can listen for the offline.cashier::subscription.check event. The event receives the user and the NeedsSubscription component instance.

If you return true from any event listener the user will be allowed to view the page. If you return false from any event listener the user will be redirected. Please be aware that any true value takes precedence. If you don't return any boolean value the check will fallback to Laravel Cashier's subscribed method.

Extend the subscription logic

If you need to extend the subscription logic you can listen for the offline.cashier::subscription.check event. The event receives the user and the NeedsSubscription component instance.

If you return true from any event listener the user will be allowed to view the page. If you return false from any event listener the user will be redirected. Please be aware that any true value takes precedence. If you don't return any boolean value the check will fallback to Laravel Cashier's subscribed method.

 Event::listen('offline.cashier::subscription.check', function ($user, $component) {
    if ( ! $user) {
        return false;

    if (isBanned($user)) {
        return false;

    return $user->subscribed($component->property('subscription'));



Unauthorized users are redirected to this route.


The name of the subscription a user needs to access the page. Default is main.