##Note: this project is no longer maintained, but pull requests are welcome
dropwizard-ratelimit is a dropwizard bundle that allows redis-backed rate limiting for your resources. It performs sliding-window rate limiting.
Requires Dropwizard ~0.8.0. Not tested on 1.0.
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
Now add the bundle:
private RateLimitBundle<ExampleServiceConfiguration> rateLimitBundle = new RateLimitBundle<ExampleServiceConfiguration>() {
public RateLimitConfiguration getRateLimitConfiguration(
ExampleServiceConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.getRateLimit();
public void initialize(Bootstrap<ExampleConfiguration> bootstrap) {
Finally, annotate any resources you want to protect with @RateLimited
import ca.nlap.dropwizard.ratelimit.RateLimited;
public class ExampleResource {
public Response getResource() {
return new Response.ok().build();
Configure as per the example conf.yaml. The properties are:
- redisHost: Redis hostname
- redisPort: Redis port
The module example
contains an API with a single resource that simply returns 200 OK. This is rate limited to 3 requests per second.
Start and configure redis. Run run-example.sh
to start the service and test-example.sh
to run the test. Multiple requests will be sent, demonstrating the rate limiting:
Too Many Requests
The following is not yet available. Contributions are welcomed.
- Per resource configuration
Adapts code from https://github.com/anastasop/dropwizard-jedis
Rate limitng lua script from https://gist.github.com/josiahcarlson/80584b49da41549a7d5c