
Codes, scripts and tools to reproduce analyses in TERA-Seq manuscript

Primary LanguageR

TERA-Seq analysis and methods

This repository contains all the main tools and scripts needed to reproduce analysis used in publication TERA-Seq: True end-to-end sequencing of native RNA molecules for transcriptome characterization (Ibrahim, F.*, Oppelt, J.*, Maragkakis, M.* and Mourelatos, Z., 2021, Nucleic Acids Research, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkab713, PMID: 34428294. * The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the first three authors should be regarded as Joint First Authors. If you use any part of the analysis, code or samples we kindly ask you to cite this publication.

This repository will be archived as soon as the publication is accepted to keep the code in the same version as in the time of publication.


fast5 (basecalled, untrimmed) and fastq files can be found in the samples directory.

General information

The analysis was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 16 threads, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD. The only exception is STAR indexing and mapping which needs ~32GB RAM for human-sized genome. If you need to run STAR on a machine with lower amount of RAM, you can add --genomeSAsparseD 2 (or higher value) to STAR genome indexings to decrease RAM requirements for at a cost of speed reduction.



Using Docker is strongly recommended. The Docker container that could be used to reanalyze the data is available here:

docker pull joppelt/teraseq

If you don't have access do Docker, please follow the instructions for Conda environment installation below.


There are six system requirements: git, gcc, make, wget, g++, zlib-dev. g++ and zlib-dev are Nanopolish requirements. If you don't plan to run Nanopolish, you can skip these two. You can install them (on Ubuntu) with:

apt-get install -y git gcc make wget g++ zlib1g-dev

Make a local copy of this repository anywhere you want.

git clone https://github.com/mourelatos-lab/TERA-Seq_manuscript

Then, we would like to specificy some system-wide variables we will use in this analysis. The variables used throughout the analysis can be found in PARAMS.sh in the main TERA-Seq_manuscript directory you just downloaded. You can open in it and edit the variables so it suits to your needs. We will assume you will work on the analysis in the TERA-Seq_manuscript directory.

The individual analysis scripts will assume the structure from PARAMS.sh.

Conda environment

Most of the software used for the analyses can be installed using the provided Conda environment yml (or text) file. Some additional software had to be installed outside Conda environment for various reason.

To get the Conda environment, you need to get Conda environment manager (Miniconda or Conda) first. We recommend Miniconda but Conda installation should work as well.

Once you installed Conda manager (tested with conda 4.9.0) you can use the teraseq.yml file (recommended) file and install the environment:

cd TERA-Seq_manuscript/
conda env create -f teraseq-env.yml

This will install teraseq environment. In case yml installation doesn't work you can try to install the environment using the provided teraseq-env.txt using the same command.

Note: To speed up the installation I would strongly recommend you to use mamba.

In case you need a manual installation, you can also use:

# Intiate environment
conda create --name teraseq python=3.7
conda activate teraseq
# Set channels priority
conda config --add channels 'conda-forge'
conda config --add channels 'r'
conda config --add channels 'bioconda'
conda config --add channels 'defaults'
# Install software packages
conda install -c bioconda \
r=3.5.1 r-base \
r-optparse=1.6.2 r-dplyr r-rio r-ggplot2 r-bit64 r-reshape2 r-devtools r-ggpubr \
r-ggridges r-corrplot r-rsqlite r-futile.logger r-plyr r-readr r-scales r-viridis \
r-data.table r-yaml r-treemap r-venndiagram r-extrafont r-hdf5r r-patchwork \
bioconductor-ensembldb bioconductor-tximport bioconductor-dupradar bioconductor-gviz bioconductor-deseq2 \
fastqc STAR=2.7.2b samtools">=1.10" bedtools=2.29.0 samblaster trimmomatic=0.39 \
perl-cpan-shell perl-app-cpanminus perl-local-lib \
umi_tools fastx_toolkit bbmap=38.67 minimap2=2.17 subread=2.0.0 pigz \
seqtk picard=2.20.8 sambamba=0.7.1 gmap=2019.09.12 gffread \
ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig ucsc-bedtobigbed ucsc-genePredToBed ucsc-gtfToGenePred ucsc-liftover ucsc-bigbedtobed \
qualimap rseqc cd-hit bedops parallel

Note: If you get a lot of ClobberError: This transaction has incompatible packages due to a shared path. errors try to restart your Conda environment and/or exectue conda clean --all to clean the Conda cache.

Additional software

tools directory contains information additional software required for some of the analyses. Installation of the additioonal software is included in the main run.sh. If you wish to install it manually you can execute run.sh in the tools directory. We use virtual environments wherever possible.

Important: If your Conda main path is not exported by default, you have to specify $CONDA_PREFIX variable in PARAMS.sh file.. If you cannot use Conda at this stage, you will need system-install curl, Perl 5.22, Perl local::lib, and R 3.5.1.

cd tools/
cd ../

Guppy basecaller

Guppy basecaller must be obtained from Nanopore community section and must be installed in case you want to re-basecall the data. Please use Guppy 3.2.2 GPU version to replicate the basecall. The CPU version should provide the same results. Installation manual is provided in the same link.

Miscellaneous scripts

misc directory contains various miscellaneous scripts and sources.

Sample data

To re-analyze the data please populate the samples directory first. For more information see samples directory README.

Note: 5TERA 5' adapter might and will be called REL5/rel5, and TERA3 3' end adapter might and will be called REL3/rel3 throughout the analyses.

Data and Analysis

The main run.sh in the cloned TERA-Seq_manuscript directory should execute all the analyses used in the manuscript including the installation of additional software and preparing the references.

Reminder: The only two exceptions are the installation of teraseq Conda environment and populating the samples directory which you have to do before you can run the analyses.

If you wish to run only selected analyses you can go to the individual directories and execute the local run.sh. Simply go to the selected analysis and run the run.sh script. For example:

cd metacoord_correction/

Each analysis directory contains main run.sh script which shows how to reproduce the analysis and visualization if applicable. Visuzalization and other additional scripts (for example R visualization) can be found in src directory. In most cases, executing the run.sh should be enough to reproduce the analysis. However, if this fails, the content of run.sh script should be comment enough for you to see where the error comes from. The run.sh also contains information about how to to execute the individual scripts in the src directory. dev directory contains additional used tools.

Most of the analyses has been created by Jan Oppelt (Mourelatos lab, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, USA). Most of the dev tools have been developed by Emmanouil "Manolis" Maragkakis (currently Laboratory of Genetics and Genomics, National Institute on Aging, NIH, USA) or Panagiotis Alexiou (currently RBP Bioinformatics & Bioinformatics Core Facility, CEITEC, CZE).

Data and preprocessing

Data preparation

The data directory run.sh scripts will download and format all the references and annotations required for the following analyses. It also downloads the additional external data.

Note: Pre-compiled references are temporarily also available to download here.


The samples directory contains several run scripts additonal to the main run.sh. This is because different library types are processed differently. However, it should be possible to run all the processing simply by executing the run.sh. The Guppy basecalling example is done only for one of the libraries. Reminder: the included data are only examples and not the complete libraries. run_guppy.sh script contains commands used to basecall the libraries (Guppy 3.3.2-1). run_5TERA.sh, run_TERA3, run_5TERA3.sh, run_5TERA-short.sh, run_5TERA-SIRV.sh, run_Akron5Seq.sh, and run_RiboSeq.sh scripts contain steps to preprocess and align the reads and postproces the resulting bam files. Script run_5TERA3-merge.sh contains instructions to merge the 5TERA3 replicates to a single sample. It also shows how to create the sqlite3 database (CLIPSeqTools) necessary for some of the analyses.


Alignment statistics

The align-stats directory contains code to reproduce analysis summarized in: Supplementary Table 2; Supplementary Figure 1d.

Adapter length

The adapter directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Supplementary Figure 1b.

Meta-coordinates, re-annotation and heatmap

The metacoord_correction directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 1b,c,d (left part of Figures 1b,c); Figure 3b; Figure 5c; Supplementary Figure 2a,b,c,d.

Changes after re-annotation

The reannot-change directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 1b,c (right part of the figures).

Transcript coverage (transcriptome and genome)

The trans-coverage directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 2b,c; Figure 3c; Figure 4b; Figure 5d; Supplementary Figure 5.

Poly(A) tail length

The polya directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 4a; Figure 5b; Supplementary Figure 4b,c,d,e.


The cage_apa directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 2a (CAGE); Figure 3d (APA); Supplementary Figure 3a,b,c (CAGE), Supplementary Figure 4a (APA).

Promoter signal

The promoter-heatmap directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summazired in: Figure 2d.

Relative position distribution

The relative-pos-distro directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 6b,c,d.

Conservation around cuts

The conservation directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 6e.

SIRV expression distribution and alignment

The sirv directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Supplementary Figure 1c.

Meta-coordinates and poly(A) tail length correlation

The metacoord-vs-polya directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Figure 4c,d.

Expression correlation

The expression directory contains code and scripts to reproduce analysis summarized in: Supplementary Figure 6.

Written with StackEdit.