

An android app use to urge the government to reduce pollution.I aim to achieve goal 3 "GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING" and goal 6 "clean water and sanitation".

Here is my plan.

  1. Build a scrawler to get air quality data from "". [Finished]
  2. Build a scrawler to get water quality data from "". [Unfinished]
  3. Use django as web framework to provide rest api for android app. [In progress]
  4. Build a android app to display air quality of each city and province. [In progress]
  5. Design a machine learning modle to predict future air quality. [Unfinshed]

Now you just can run android app which load demo data, backend isn't finished.


  • Convert svg to canvas path structure
  • Canvas draw map
  • RxJava
  • NavigationTabBar
  • Python crawler
  • Django
  • Tensorflow, LSTM


  • First page display air/water quality of each province.[Finished]
  • Second page display air/water quality of user's city in detail.[Unfinished]
  • Third page display news about air and water pollution.[Unfinished]
  • Fourth page display predicted air/waiter quality of next dtay and give some remind.[Unfinished]
  • Fifth page show settings.[Unfinished]