
API of an arts e-commerce

Primary LanguageJavaScript


About this Project

Mira is an API that makes it possible to manage an e-commerce that sells art from different galleries.


My project partner and I realized that many people who love art don't know where to buy it. That's why we created this e-commerce.

We'll be happy if you can provide some feedback on the design, code, structure, or anything else you can report that might make us a better developer! Email me: angelicacavalheiro51@gmail.com

Database Layout

Database Layout

The database was designed at https://www.dbdesigner.net/ for PostgreSQL.

In your psql terminal


Access the database

$ \c mira_dev

Now, just run the commands listed in dump.sql

How it works

This project is divided into two parts:

  1. Backend (This repository)
  2. Frontend (You can find here: https://github.com/digdiego13/Mira_front)

Some notes about this app

1 - We are still refactoring this project, so the architecture of some components may be different from other components.

2 - The address and payment features have been simplified in this project. So to use this API in real situations, these features need to be improved.


SignIn and signUp with password and email validations;

Insert and list: artists, galleries, arts and arts categories;

Linking arts to different artists and galleries;

Insert the number of pieces available in stock for each art in each gallery;

Insert and delete products in the cart;

Prevent adding products to the cart without the user being logged in;

Review products added to cart;

Prevent the purchase of more items than is available in stock;




Cloning the Repository

$ git clone https://github.com/angelicacavalheiro/Mira
$ cd Mira

Installing dependencies

$ npm install

Run the application in production mode

$ ntl -> start

Run the application in development mode

Create a .env.dev file and fill it using your environment variables following the .env.example You can find the .env.example here.

$ ntl -> start:dev

In this case you need to adapt the routes that access the backend, on the front.

Built With

Server (NodeJS)

How to contribute

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a new branch with your changes: git checkout -b feat/myFeatureName
  3. For each feature implemented, make a commit specifying what was done
  4. Submit your changes: git push -u origin feat/myFeatureName


Developed by Angélica Cavalheiro Rodrigues and Diego Nogueira.