

AudioBloom is a simple, intuitive application designed for audiobook enthusiasts to listen to book summaries efficiently. It aims to provide a user-friendly interface that mimics the functionality of a standard audio player, with added features specifically tailored for navigating through book summaries and key points.


  • Play/Pause Audio: Users can control audio playback with a simple play/pause toggle.
  • Chapter Navigation: Easily switch between different sections or chapters of the book summary.
  • Playback Speed Control: Adjust the speed of audio playback to suit your listening preferences.
  • Audio Skipping: Jump forward or backward in the audio track to replay or skip sections.


  • Fix issue with autoplay in reader mode while swiping chapters not working.
  • Cover with more integration tests.
  • Split the project into modules using SPM (Swift Package Manager).
  • Sort out internal task list, and manage the app's various state conditions more effectively.

Technologies Used

  • UI: SwiftUI
  • Libraries: The Composable Architecture

Getting Started


To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps:

# Clone the repository
git clone