Bachelor/ette Data Analysis

This repository holds the data and programs used to generate exploratory data analyses centered around exploring different questions about Bachelor & Bachelorette U.S. candidates.


Because data is cool! Because the Bachelor franchise has become a cultural symbol worth exploring. Because I'm sad about Bachelorette Season 14 ending (Bring back #JoeTheGrocer).

To Do

  • Go over and check - is the data presentation as good as it could be for each tab??
  • Perf - Over Time:
    • Do POC contestants stay on a longer percentage of the show over time? (Scatter probably)
  • Polish the Notes section
  • Finish index page

Data Sources

Contestants Data

  • 538
  • Supplemental data for Bachelor S22 and Bachelorette S14 from Wikipedia

Race Data

  • karenx's excellent blogpost
  • Individual sources listed for disaggregated race data
  • US Census's 'HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN BY RACE' ACS 1-year estimates variable for yearly U.S. wide racial demographic data
