
A terminal app for managing a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A command-line application for managing a company's employees using node, inquirer, and MySQL.

User story

As a business owner
I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
So that I can organize and plan my business

Table of Contents


  • This application need node.js, please refer to offical website for installation
  • download this repo by running
    git clone https://github.com/angelinama/employee-tracker.git
  • This application also need to install mysql on your computer, please refer to mysql website for installation
  • Change password in index.js to your root user password of your mysql DBMS.
  • install required node pacakges by running
    npm install
  • Create schema of database tables by running all the queries in schema.sql
  • Set up test records yourself or run queries in seed.sql
  • start the application by running
    node index
    npm start


A command-line application that at a minimum allows the user to:

  • Add departments, roles, employees (one row at a time)
  • View departments, roles, employees
  • Update employee roles
  • Update employee managers
  • View employees by manager
  • Delete departments, roles, and employees (one row at a time)

walkthrough video



To delete/update a department will also delete/update roles within the department

To delete a role will be rejected if any employee was given this role, and an error will be thrown; to update a role will also update every employee with the role

To delete a manager will set all report-tos manager to NULL, i.e. with no manager 




This project is not open for collaboration yet


Terminal run this application


connect with me on my Github and if you have additional questions, please email me at: angelina890308@gmail.com


Angelina Ma