
GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input WHEN I am prompted for my team members and their information THEN an HTML file is generated that displays a nicely formatted team roster based on user input WHEN I click on an email address in the HTML THEN my default email program opens and populates the TO field of the email with the address WHEN I click on the GitHub username THEN that GitHub profile opens in a new tab WHEN I start the application THEN I am prompted to enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number WHEN I enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number THEN I am presented with a menu with the option to add an engineer or an intern or to finish building my team WHEN I select the engineer option THEN I am prompted to enter the engineer’s name, ID, email, and GitHub username, and I am taken back to the menu WHEN I select the intern option THEN I am prompted to enter the intern’s name, ID, email, and school, and I am taken back to the menu WHEN I decide to finish building my team THEN I exit the application, and the HTML is generated

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



An application to take user input from Terminal to automatically generate a html file to display team members by using node.js and javascript. Each team member will be diplayed in a card with their id, email. name as well as a role-specific info field.

User story

AS A manager
I WANT to generate a webpage that displays my team's basic info
SO THAT I have quick access to their emails and GitHub profiles

Table of Contents


  • This application need node.js, please refer to offical website for installation
  • download this repo by running
git clone https://github.com/angelinama/team-profile-generator.git
  • install required node pacakges by running
npm install
  • run the application by running
node index


A Walkthrough Video is here: 1612513431813

GIVEN a command-line application that accepts user input  
WHEN I am prompted for my team members and their information  
THEN an HTML file is generated that displays a nicely formatted team roster based on user input  
WHEN I click on an email address in the HTML  
THEN my default email program opens and populates the TO field of the email with the address  
WHEN I click on the GitHub username  
THEN that GitHub profile opens in a new tab  
WHEN I start the application  
THEN I am prompted to enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number  
WHEN I enter the team manager’s name, employee ID, email address, and office number  
THEN I am presented with a menu with the option to add an engineer or an intern or to finish building my team  
WHEN I select the engineer option  
THEN I am prompted to enter the engineer’s name, ID, email, and GitHub username, and I am taken back to the menu  
WHEN I select the intern option  
THEN I am prompted to enter the intern’s name, ID, email, and school, and I am taken back to the menu  
WHEN I decide to finish building my team  
THEN I exit the application, and the HTML is generated



This project is not open for collaboration yet


Unit Tests

see the video link: unit test video

Terminal run this application


connect with me on my Github and if you have additional questions, please email me at: angelina890308@gmail.com


Angelina Ma