
This repo contains code and slides relating to The Album Discoverer. For the app, navigate to https://album-discoverer.ue.r.appspot.com/home. To view a presentation of this work, see the youtube video here: https://youtu.be/iEzzIvTq3Eo.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo contains code and slides relating to The Album Discoverer, an album recommendation system I built for my final project at Metis. The Album Discoverer leverages Spotify track data and employs principal components analysis and aggregation at the album level with cosine similarity to identify similar albums, presented as a user-friendly interactive Flask web app. For the app, navigate to: https://album-discoverer.ue.r.appspot.com/home. To view a presentation of this work, see the youtube video here: https://youtu.be/iEzzIvTq3Eo.