
Simple library to send email using GMail (includes background worker and logging classes)

Primary LanguagePython


    The 'gmail' module provides a simple wrapper around the smtplib/email
    modules to provide an easy programmatic interface for sending email using
    the GMail SMTP service.

    The module provides the following classes:

    GMail           - Basic interface to GMail SMTP service 
    GMailWorker     - Background worker to send messages asynchronously 
                      (uses multiprocessing module)
    GMailHandler    - GMail handler for logging framework
    Message         - Wrapper around email.Message class simplifying
                      creation of email message objects

    The module also provides a cli interface to send email if run directly
    (python -mgmail.cli)

        *   0.1     2012-10-17  Initial Release
        *   0.2     2012-10-18  Restructure module
        *   0.3     2012-12-28  Fix logging/worker 
        *   0.3.1   2012-12-28  CLI attachment mime-type fix
        *   0.4     2013-08-24  Allow user to specify 'From' and 'Reply-To' header by passing 'sender'
                                (Pull from from https://github.com/Kami - thanks)
        *   0.5     2014-02-12  Move _gmail_worker to module function to fix 
                                multiprocessor problem on win32 
                                (Fix from gabriel.nevarez@gmail.com - thanks)


        *   BSD


        *   Paul Chakravarti (paul.chakravarti@gmail.com)