- 1
Error log getting filled with "Base Name:" lines
#2072 opened by siliconforks - 0
Expected currency from order api call to be USD, got GBP. Please ensure you are passing currency=GBP to the sdk url.
#2080 opened by tigerbiaowithme - 8
- 0
- 0
- 0
CAPTURE_ID_NOT_FOUND: Specified capture ID does not exist. Check the capture ID and try again.
#2060 opened by kaoopro - 3
WooCommerce Blocks Compatible
#1957 opened by kevin25 - 10
Billing Country Not Captured
#2044 opened by ReignOfComputer - 0
readme.txt not displayed properly
#2043 opened by galbaras - 1
wc_get_log_file_path function is deprecated since 8.6.0
#2010 opened by tarkan123 - 0
Button Location Options for Cart Page
#2005 opened by drewangell - 0
Order Details Not Being Passed To Paypal
#1978 opened by HeavenHeal - 7
HPOS Support
#1840 opened by galbaras - 0
Braintree ACH "3000 Processor Declined" doesn't fail the order or add an order note
#1954 opened by peterjohnhunt - 0
PayPal Commerce Upgrade notification
#1943 opened by strarsis - 0
- 4
No payment gateway on WooCommerce Block
#1620 opened by kevin25 - 0
Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state
#1888 opened by HeavenHeal - 2
- 1
Orders weren't put on hold when had disputes
#1518 opened by kevin25 - 2
- 6
Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id() on bool in angelleye-includes/angelleye-utility.php(1325)
#1532 opened by TronActive - 1
Skip final review page with Terms & Conditions page set
#1546 opened by strarsis - 1
Pay now button not initialized/missing without explicit payment method selection
#1547 opened by strarsis - 2
Payment methods order not honored
#1548 opened by strarsis - 1
Standardized way to obtain last 4 of credit card
#1551 opened by peterjohnhunt - 1
Duplicate Order Receipt Email After Capturing
#1555 opened by githelp13 - 2
Disable admin notices (constant; hook)
#1559 opened by strarsis - 1
PayPal payment button not loading/showing
#1569 opened by strarsis - 1
Language template / .pot file not up-to-date
#1570 opened by hussong - 2
is_ajax Deprecated in Woocommerce 6.1
#1647 opened by tarkan123 - 1
PayPal Advanced is not connecting to PayPal
#1665 opened by junkjunker - 3
Unable to parse PayPal response body
#1693 opened by surowied - 1
PayPal Complete Payments – Advanced Credit Cards
#1695 opened by alexlii1971 - 1
Stylesheets are enqueued unnecessarily
#1717 opened by galbaras - 1
Why Paypal is loaded on single page
#1744 opened by kevin25 - 2
Design Issue at Credit card fields in complete payments
#1745 opened by MLotfy88 - 1
Please, make an extension that works in Brazil
#1755 opened by 4n0n1mo - 2
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 4
Issue with company field (PayPal Express Checkout)
#1565 opened by michaelrimbach - 1
Some strings are not gettext ready / translatable
#1571 opened by hussong - 2
Review page disabled? No errors displaying.
#1582 opened by a4anes - 1
Cartflows Pro 1.8.0 FATAL ERROR
#1642 opened by contemplate - 0
wp plugin activate paypal-for-woocommerce
#1576 opened by imcodingideas - 5
Checkout express: Crash capturing the sum authorized
#1531 opened by gine - 2
Express Checkout - Option for admin to have product level EC enabled by default for new products.
#1525 opened by drewangell