
A very simple demonstration of a React Native iOS app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very simple demonstration of a React Native iOS app for viewing and adding tasty brews. The project uses brewhapi as a mock API for fetching and inserting data. brewhapi is freely hosted at https://brewhapi.herokuapp.com/brews. The app was built as an exercise in learning React Native on iOS.

The demo app is a port of the example app from Swallow. View the Swallow example app to see how a React Native app compares to a purely native iOS app written in Swift.


  • Xcode 6.3 or newer
  • Node.js 4.0.0 or newer
  • React Native 0.11.0 or newer


See React Native - Getting Started for general information on setting up React Native.

Get started by cloning this repo and running npm install in the cloned directory.

git clone git@github.com:angelodipaolo/ReactNativeBrews.git
cd ReactNativeBrews
npm install

Open /ios/ReactNativeBrews.xcodeproj and run the simulator.


All of the app JavaScript source code is located in the src directory. The app only uses modules that are packaged with React Native and does not install any external or custom native modules.

Source Files

  • /src/ReactNativeBrewsApp.js - A react component that declares a navigator with brew index as the initial route.
  • /src/views - React components representing each view in the app. Each component is basically analogous with UIViewController.
  • /src/http/BrewClient - HTTP client for fetching and inserting brew data with brew API server.

JavaScript Classes

JavaScript classes, introduced in ECMAScript 6, are used in this project to define React component classes.

Viewing Brews

The entry point of the app kicks off in the ReactNativeBrewsApp component. This component declares a navigator object with its initial route set to load the BrewIndexView component.

class ReactNativeBrewsApp extends React.Component {
  // MARK: App Initialization

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      brewClient: new BrewClient()

  // MARK: Render View

  render() {
    return (
          title: "Tasty Brews", 
          component: require("./views/BrewIndexView"),
          passProps: {brewClient: this.state.brewClient},
          rightButtonTitle: "Add Brew",
          onRightButtonPress: () => {
              title: "Add Brew",
              component: require("./views/BrewAddView"),
              passProps: {brewClient: this.state.brewClient}


When the BrewIndexView component mounts it fetches brew data from the API server by making a request through the BrewClient object. The componentDidMount event of a React component is similiar to UIViewController's viewDidLoad method. After the request completes the brew JSON data is used to set ListView's dataSource.

  componentDidMount() {

  fetchBrews() {
    var brewClient = this.state.brewClient

    brewClient.fetchBrews((brews) => {
          dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(brews),
          loaded: true,
          brews: brews

The ListView renders a list of rows by calling renderRow for each item contained in the data source. The BrewIndexView declares a renderBrewRow() function that is responsible for rendering a single row in the list.

render() {
  if (!this.state.loaded) {
    return (
        <Text style={styles.welcome, styles.text}>
          Fetching brews...

  return (
        style={styles.listView} />

renderBrewRow(brew) {
  return (
    <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.onBrewTapped.bind(this, brew)}>
      <View style={styles.brewRow}>
        <Text style={styles.brewName}>{brew.name}</Text>
        <Text style={styles.brewStyle}>{brew.style}</Text>

The renderBrewRow() function sets an onPress handler to respond to user taps which allows the user to tap on a row to view the details of a brew. The handler function uses the navigator to push a new instance of the BrewDetailView component on to the navigation stack. The brew data is passed as a prop to the detail component so the component can render the brew details.

onBrewTapped(brew) {
      title: brew.name,
      component: require("./BrewDetailView"),
      passProps: {brew: brew}

The BrewDetailView component renders the brew data after having been mounted from a push on to the navigation stack.

class BrewDetailView extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.brewDetails}>
        <Text style={styles.brewStyle}>{this.props.brew.style}</Text>
        <Text>Brewed by: {this.props.brew.brewery.name}</Text>

Adding Brews

The BrewAddView component renders a basic UI with text fields for adding a brew.

render() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.brewAddView}>
        placeholder="brew name"/>
          <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Save</Text>

The onChange event handlers of each TextInput component are used to set brew data upon changes in text field values.

onBrewNameChange(event) {
  this.setState({ brewName: event.nativeEvent.text });

onBrewStyleChange(event) {
  this.setState({ brewStyle: event.nativeEvent.text });

onBreweryChange(event) {
  this.setState({ brewery: event.nativeEvent.text });

The onPress handler of the TouchableHighlight component is used to kick off a request to insert the new brew.

saveTapped() {
  var brew = {
    name: this.state.brewName,
    style: this.state.brewStyle,
    brewery: {
      name: this.state.brewery

  var brewClient = this.state.brewClient

  brewClient.insertBrew(brew, () => {