
Order column pixel_pysom differs from feather file

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I specified my channels:

channels = ["CD34", "CD56", "CD127", "CD117_goat", "gP38", "GrzmK", "CD49a", "ki67", "CD3","CD10", "IL-15", "VCAM1_nuc_exclude","CD20", "IL-7", "Collagen", "CD31", "CXCL12", "Flt3", "CCL19", "CD4", "CD8", "CD16", "CD45", "CD11c", "CD68"

But after creating the pixel SOM weights, the order changed into:
['CCL19' 'CCL20' 'CCL21' 'CD10' 'CD117_goat' 'CD11c' 'CD127' 'CD16' 'CD20'
'CD3' 'CD31' 'CD34' 'CD4' 'CD45' 'CD49a' 'CD56' 'CD68' 'CD8' 'CXCL12'
'Collagen' 'Flt3' 'GrzmB' 'GrzmK' 'ICAM1' 'IL-15' 'IL-7'
'VCAM1_nuc_exclude' 'gP38' 'ki67']

The order in the feather file is similar to the order as specified in 'channels'

When running the pixel clustering I ran into the following error:
ValueError: Lists norm vals columns and pixel data columns ordered differently: values CCL19 and CD34 do not match at index 0. Which makes sense, considering that in the pixel_pysom the order changed.

Am I overlooking something? What could cause the change in order of the column values in the pixel_pysom?

Thanks again!