
awakeFromNibCustom never called

raspu opened this issue · 8 comments

I am not really sure when this started to happen, but suddenly even after +load make the swizzle exchange, awakeFromNibCustom never get's called, but the regular awakeFromNib does.

I am using xcode 6.3.2 (6D2105) and iOS 8.3 SDK and I installed it using cocoapods (0.37.2).

Do you have any other piece of code doing swizzling on the method? I have 6.3.2 and seems to be working fine...

Nop, I am using AFNetworking and BlocksKit, both of them do swizzling, but I have been using them from the start...

This quite strange, I don't see any difference in configuration neither... Another developer changed some things recently, but nothing that would break AGi18n...

Are you using Storyboards or plain XIB files? I would like to try to reproduce in an empty project...

Xib files only. I am trying to fix it, if I find the problem I'll let you know.

I was able to isolate the issue to one commit, I think the problem is a conflict with IQKeyboardManager pod.

Yes, if I remove IQKeyboardManager works perfectly. I will be closing this issue as it it's not directly related with the library, sorry.

I do it as you video, it never work for me ,make me crezy ,please help@angelolloqui

can you post your demo?I think it's will help a lot.