Utility to easily localize your XIB/Storyboard files on iOS apps and extracting texts from code and XIB files into a Localizable strings
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#43 opened by acamilar18 - 8
agi18n command not working.
#10 opened by awaistariq - 1
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License text and license name mismatch
#42 opened by nerminator - 5
Custom tableName
#40 opened by stasivanov - 2
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Error walking through third-party library issues
#36 opened by newlxf - 11
I do it as you video, it never work for me ,make me crezy ,please help@angelolloqui
#34 opened by codeflayer - 8
awakeFromNibCustom never called
#23 opened by raspu - 11
iOS 11 - Xcode 9 beta 6
#32 opened by adrienbrunwod - 1
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Allow AGi18n to work with accessibilityLabel
#18 opened by omartin - 7
Doesn't work
#22 opened by virulaine - 2
GooglePlus.bundle problem
#7 opened by walterfernandes - 3
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Cocoapods install running on device
#16 opened by oligriffiths - 1
Swift file genstring
#21 opened by mihriminaz - 1
Brew support
#6 opened by Hout - 1
Error execute command
#15 opened by vinhnx - 0
agi18n doesn't detect languages
#17 opened by emrsn-IrinaStef - 3
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how can i localize strings in .mm files?
#4 opened by tuchangwei