Python library that classifies content from scientific papers with the topics of the Computer Science Ontology (CSO).
- ajitsingh47
- AlouiAmineEURECOM
- axtonpittThe Internet
- Benja1972
- buaaliumingBeiJing
- DeNeutoyOrbital Materials
- dvsseedTaiwan, Yilan
- ecogitindependent
- fly51flyPRIS
- fosborneKMi, The Open University
- gbennett71
- ggsonic
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- hamannju
- hammer
- huanghao-coco
- innerop
- jamesdunhamCenter for Security and Emerging Technology
- jazzwangHsinChu, Taiwan
- lydiahiba
- mickeysjmGoogle DeepMind
- nsantavaseBay
- perezzini@deepagro
- ReactRed
- sam-splat
- shiva1387Singapore
- taku-itoLangsmith Inc. / Tohoku NLP Lab
- tmaone◎
- uusama@Dell
- valayDaveSan Francisco, CA
- verBubbleDPhil in Oxford University
- vitaly-z
- yangjinqingWUHAN
- YasuQ
- zevioCénotélie
- zhoujieliPalo Alto