
SNMP Manager is a graphical network management application written in C++ and Qt4 that makes use of the SNMP protocol.

Primary LanguageC++

SNMP Manager


SNMP Manager is a graphical network management application that makes use of the SNMP protocol.

The graphical user interface was build using Qt: http://qt-project.org/

SNMP implementation in C++ using the SNMP++ API: http://www.agentpp.com/snmp_pp3_x/snmp_pp3_x.html




SNMP Manager is build using Qt and uses OpenSSL for some of its cryptographic functionality. Install all the required dependencies:

sudo apt-get install qt-sdk libssl-dev

###Building the SNMP++ library

From the root folder of the project, execute the following commands to build the SNMP++ library:

cd snmp++/src/
make -f Makefile.linux

The library should now be located in snmp++/lib

###Building SNMP Manager You can use Qt Creator IDE or simply execute the following commands from the root folder of the project:

qmake snmpmanager.pro

All done!
