
Scripts to manage a shared LVM volume between multiple Docker/Kubernetes nodes

Primary LanguageShell


This set of script is intended to be used in Kubernetes to manage a shared volume between nodes without (with a single-instance POD with persistent data like MySQL) the need of an external provider like Ceph. These scripts are based on:

  • Kubernetes flexVolume volume adapter that supports a plugin architecture based on a shell script. The standard LVM adapter is extended to manage simple lock (see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/examples/volumes/flexvolume)
  • lvmlockd and sanlock that is used to manage the shared LVM volume without the complexity of a cluster (pacemaker and clvmd)
  • a shared volume provided by a physically shared storage or a shared VMDK file in VMware (my preferred solutions)

The script uses the tag feature of the LVM2 to lock the volume between multiple Kubernetes workers nodes so only one node can activate and mount the volume and other nodes needs to wait a timeout in case of node failure; the lvmlockd/sanlock stack avoids race condition on volume metadata area.


If you want use a shared volume provided by VMware you can follow this guide: https://communities.vmware.com/blogs/Abhilash_hb/2013/08/25/clustering-using-sharing-of-vmdks-between-virtual-machines

Once configured/installed the shared volume, you need to set-up a cluster-based LVM volume so you DON'T NEED to create the phisical volume but you need to use vgcreate's feature that creates a shared volume group with sanlock support:


# All nodes
yum install lvm2-lockd sanlock jq
systemctl enable wdmd
systemctl enable sanlock
systemctl enable lvm2-lvmlockd
systemctl start wdmd
systemctl start sanlock
systemctl start lvm2-lvmlockd

# Edit and customize lvmlocal.conf with host_id and vg list
cat <<\EOF | tee -a /etc/lvm/lvmlocal.conf
global {
    use_lvmlockd = 1
activation {
    auto_activation_volume_list = [ "put_here_all_vg_except_the_shared_one" ]
local {
    host_id = 1..2000

# Single node
vgcreate --shared sharevg /dev/sdx
lvcreate -L10G -n sharedlv /dev/sharevg
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sharevg/sharedlv
vgchange --lock-start

# All nodes
vgchange --lock-start

Once cloned the repo you can:

mkdir -p /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/angeloxx~lvm
cp lvm /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/angeloxx~lvm/
cp lvmflexvolumed /usr/local/bin/
cp lvmflexvolumed.service /etc/systemd/system
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lvmflexvolumed
chmod +x /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/angeloxx~lvm/lvm
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start lvmflexvolumed


In a Kubernetes Pod configuration you can use the lvmflexvolumed plugin to attach a previously created volume. The lvm plugin will:

  • check if the volume exists
  • check if is locked by another node and if the lock is fresh (use the sysconfig/default environment file to set LOCK_TIMEOUT timeout in seconds)
  • remove the lock if is old, return an error if the volume is in use on another node or attach the volume
  • mount the volume and start the container

The Pod sample configuration is:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
namespace: default
- name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - name: test
    mountPath: /data
    - containerPort: 80
- name: test
    driver: "angeloxx/lvm"
    fsType: "ext4"
        volumeID: "sharelv"
        volumegroup: "sharevg"

The lvmflexvolumed script daemon will refresh the lock every LOCK_SECONDS.