Why AVLighterTableViewController?
As an iOS developer, we need to use UITableView as a basic component for any of our project and we need to implement delegates and datasource in each and every view controller but as a solution we can make one lighter delegate & datasoucre class which will handle all the mess for you.
How to use it
You just need to copy 2 classes from above demo project
1) AVTableDataSource
2) AVBaseTableViewCell
-- After copying this class you need to add NSObject into your storyboard, and apply custom class to AVTableDataSource for that NSObject
-- Now connect tableview outlet of NSObject to your tableview
-- Apply tableview's delegate and datasource to NSObject
-- Now create custom cell with xib and subclass that class with AVBaseTableViewCell
-- In your viewcontroller you can add below line and you are done!!
self.dataSource.registerTableCellNib("MyCustomTableViewCell", cellIdentifier: "myCell")
self.dataSource.setupData(["One", "Two", "Three"]) // Pass your object after server call
self.dataSource.selectedObject { (selectedObject) -> Void in
-- Hope you like it.
If you have any query or suggestion you can always contact me at vasaangel91@gmail.com