
Accelerated MRI reconstruction using data-consistent and uncertainty-aware null space networks

Primary LanguagePython


Image reconstruction using data-consistent and uncertainty-aware null space networks


  • limited angle CT
  • accelerated MRI


Uncertainty-Aware Null Space Networks for Data-Consistent Image Reconstruction



Download here: https://fileshare.uibk.ac.at/d/07248c5a6fc442c1acaf/


#from github
git clone https://github.com/anger-man/cascaded-null-space-learning
cd cascaded-null-space-learning
conda env create --name your_env_name --file=environment_pytorch.yml
conda activate your_env_name

4x accelerated MRI reconstruction on fastMRI data

fastMRI project page: https://fastmri.org/

Null space network

python mri_casc_null_space.py --bs 8 --epochs 30 --method 'nullspace' --task 'fastmri' --architecture ARCHITECTURE

Uncertainty-aware null space network

python mri_casc_null_space.py --bs 8 --epochs 30 --method 'nullspaceUnc' --task 'fastmri' --architecture ARCHITECTURE

limited angle CT reconstruction on phantom data

Download Radon matrix and corresponding pseudoinverse based on Kaiser-Bessel functions: https://fileshare.uibk.ac.at/d/dc44b035a75a4b24945a/

Null space network

python ct_casc_null_space.py --bs 8 --epochs 30 --method 'nullspace' --task 'radon' --architecture ARCHITECTURE

Uncertainty-aware null space network

python ct_casc_null_space.py --bs 8 --epochs 30 --method 'nullspaceUnc' --task 'radon' --architecture ARCHITECTURE

Available architectures: