
Primary LanguageJavaScript

QuizWiz API

Build Status

a RESTful Express.js API built with continuous integrated testing.

  • A refactored backend of a previous project made using sequelize.
  • Built along with mocha and chai testing libraries.


  • Node.js & Express.js
  • chai, mocha, chai-http for testing
  • Sequelize (refactored to use Version 4)
  • Postgres database

API Docs:


HTTP Method URL Description
GET user/id/:id Gets all info on a specific the user
GET user/all Gets all user in the database
POST user/new Creates a new user
POST user/take-quiz Creates a new userquiz instance.


HTTP Method URL Description
GET quiz/id/:id Gets info on a specific quiz
GET quiz/all Gets all the quizzes
POST quiz/new creates a new quiz


HTTP Method URL Description
POST vote/new Makes a new vote
PUT vote/update Updates an already casted vote



  • rows highlighted in red represent primary or composite keys
  • rows highlighted in yellow represent foreign keys


  • Unit and intergration test of the API endpoints were written as the queries were made.
  • Please submit an issue if you find any bugs. Issues


MIT © Alan Codes