This project is built using Java and Spring Boot framework to provide a robust and secure RESTful API. It includes features such as JWT authentication, file upload (supporting both images and audio files), secure routes, and integration testing. 🚀
- JWT Authentication: Protects routes using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to ensure secure access to the API endpoints.
- File Upload: Supports uploading image and audio files, making it easy to handle multimedia content.
- Secure Routes: Implements secure routes that require authentication to access sensitive information.
- Integration Testing: Includes comprehensive integration tests to ensure the stability and reliability of the API.
Before running this project locally, ensure you have the following installed:
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 18 or later
- PostgreSQL
use inteliJ or via terminal you can run these commands:
./gradlew bootJar --continuous
and on another terminal
./gradlew bootRun
docker run -dit --name mure-api --env DB_CONFIG='jdbc:postgresql://pg-local:5432/mure' -w /app -v $(pwd):/app -p 3241:8080 -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --network docker-net amazoncorrett
./gradlew bootJar --continuous
open another terminal
./gradlew bootRun