For the LIS EyeHome application.
Software Needed
- Node.js
- npm (package installer)
- a browser
Navigate into eyehome-twitter, where you should find app.js
Run "npm install" to download all modules required
To run through Eyehome
- make sure Documents > eyehome > "twitter" exists
- edit the ahk file so that it is like so
Run, C://Program Files/nodejs/node.exe C://Users/UCSD/GitHub/eyehome-twitter/app.js Sleep, 100 Run, chrome.exe -kiosk http://localhost:5000 Send, {F11}
and that the file locations are correct
- To run independently:
npm start
and go to following URL in browser: localhost:5000
Hit F11 to enter full screen mode.
This probably isn't the right place to put this
- make physical folder in Documents > eyehome > “Test”
- add a file “test” into folder for the scripts (can name anything, as long as its a ahk)
- Open eyehome on visual studio and edit the menu.json to include the new application (use other examples in there as template)
- Add an image to images/menu folder, same name as the ID from menu.json (needs to be png, ex. test.png)
- Include new image to project with right click + “Include …”
- if need be, in common.js, add one line of code:
to “reload” the menu.json