
This convert tools is base on TensorRT Int8 calibration tools,which use the KL algorithm to find the suitable threshold to quantize the activions from Float32 to Int8(-128 - 127).

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This convert tools is base on TensorRT 2.0 Int8 calibration tools,which use the KL algorithm to find the suitable threshold to quantize the activions from Float32 to Int8(-128 - 127).

We provide the Classification(SqueezeNet_v1.1) and Detection(MobileNet_v1 SSD 300) demos based on ncnn(It is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform),and the community ready to support this implment.



For details, please read the following PDF:

8-bit Inference with TensorRT

An introduction to the principles of a Chinese blog written by my friend:

The implement of Int8 quantize base on TensorRT


New version

The purpose of this tool(caffe-int8-convert-tool-dev.py) is to test new features,such as mulit-channels quantization depend on group num.

This format is already supported in the ncnn latest version.I will do my best to transform some common network models into classification-dev

python caffe-int8-convert-tool-dev.py -h
usage: caffe-int8-convert-tool.py [-h] [--proto PROTO] [--model MODEL]
                                  [--mean MEAN MEAN MEAN] [--norm NORM]
                                  [--images IMAGES] [--output OUTPUT]
                                  [--group GROUP] [--gpu GPU]

find the pretrained caffe models int8 quantize scale value

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --proto PROTO         path to deploy prototxt.
  --model MODEL         path to pretrained weights
  --mean MEAN           value of mean
  --norm NORM           value of normalize(scale value)
  --images IMAGES       path to calibration images
  --output OUTPUT       path to output calibration table file
  --group GROUP         enable the group scale
  --gpu GPU             use gpu to forward
python caffe-int8-convert-tool-dev.py --proto=test/models/mobilenet_v1.prototxt --model=test/models/mobilenet_v1.caffemodel --mean 103.94 116.78 123.68 --norm=0.017 --images=test/images/ output=mobilenet_v1.table --gpu=1

Although it's done,but the speed of group quanization is very slow ......The difference from the old tool is that we try to get the int8_scale of bottom blob not the top blob.

How to use the output file(calibration-dev.table)

For example in MobileNet_v1_dev.table

conv1_param_0 156.639840
conv2_1/dw_param_0 0 72.129143 149.919382 // the convdw layer's weight scale every group is 0.0 72.129 149.919 ......
conv1 49.466518
conv2_1/dw 0 123.720796 48.705349 ...... // the convdw layer's bottom blob every group channel scale is 0.0 123.720 48.705 ......

Old version

$ python caffe-int8-convert-tool.py --help
usage: caffe-int8-convert-tool.py [-h] [--proto PROTO] [--model MODEL]
                                  [--mean MEAN MEAN MEAN] [--norm NORM]
                                  [--images IMAGES] [--output OUTPUT]
                                  [--gpu GPU]

find the pretrained caffe models int8 quantize scale value

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --proto PROTO         path to deploy prototxt.
  --model MODEL         path to pretrained weights
  --mean MEAN           value of mean
  --norm NORM           value of normalize
  --images IMAGES       path to calibration images
  --output OUTPUT       path to output calibration table file
  --gpu GPU             use gpu to forward
$ python caffe-int8-convert-tool.py --proto=squeezenet_v1.1.prototxt --model=squeezenet.caffemodel --mean 104 117 123 --images=ILSVRC2012_1k --output=squeezenet_v1.1.table --gpu=1

Pay attention to the type of images,it is just the original image format,such as jpg or jpeg,do not us the type of caffe dataset(lmdb). It is recommended to provide representative calibration dataset for the given model use case,such as the validation or test dataset.

How to use the output file(calibration.table)

For example in squeezenet_v1_1.table

conv1_param_0 138.066410
fire2/squeeze1x1_param_0 92.028103 // the conv layer's weight scale is 92.028
data 0.841264
conv1 0.295743
pool1 0.161700  // the pool layer's top blob scale is 0.1617
fire2/squeeze1x1 0.089383 // the conv layer's top blob scale is 0.0893

Three steps to implement the fire2/squeeze1x1 layer int8 convolution:

  1. Quantize the bottom_blob and weight:

    bottom_blob_int8 = bottom_blob_float32 * data_scale(0.1617)
    weight_int8 = weight_float32 * weight_scale(92.028)
  2. Convolution_Int8:

    top_blob_int32 = bottom_blob_int8 * weight_int8
  3. Dequantize the TopBlob_Int32 and add the bias:

    top_blob_float32 = top_blob_int32 / [data_scale(0.1617) * weight_scale(92.028)] + bias_float32

Accuracy and Performance

We used ImageNet2012 Dataset to complete some experiments.

Type Detail
Calibration Dataset ILSVRC2012_img_test   1k
Test Dataset ILSVRC2012_img_val     5k
Framework ncnn
Support Layer Convolution3x3,Convolution1x1,ConvolutionDepthwise3x3

The following table show the Top1 and Top5 different between Float32 and Int8 inference.

FP32 INT8 Loss
NETWORK Top1 Top5 Top1 Top5 Diff Top1 Diff Top5
SqueezeNet v1.1 57.86% 79.86% 57.36% 79.84% -0.50% -0.02%
MobileNet v1 67.78% 87.62% 64.92% 85.22% -2.86% -2.40%
MobileNet v2 70.20% 89.20% 69.00% 88.04% -1.06% -1.16%
GoogleNet v1 67.70% 88.32% 67.64% 88.26% -0.06% -0.06%
ResNet-18 65.50% 86.46% 65.48% 86.44% -0.02% -0.02%
ResNet-50 71.68% 89.94% 71.38% 89.52% -0.30% -0.32%

The following table show the speedup between Float32 and Int8 inference.It should be noted that the winograd algorithm is not used in the Float32 inference.The Hardware Platform is Hisi3519(Cortex-A17@1.2GHz)

Uint(ms) SqueezeNet v1.1 MobileNet v1 MobileNet v2 GoogleNet ResNet18 MobileNetv1 SSD
Float32 382 568 392 1662 1869 1120
Int8 242 369 311 1159 1159 701
Ratio x1.30 x1.41 x1.28 x1.43 x1.61 x1.47

Sparse Connection Tool(experimental stage)

I tried to analyze the sparse connection of the CNN model.Using this tool,I've got some data(sparse-connection), and I hope you'll use it.


Thanks to our company SenseNets to support the open source project,and NVIDIA for providing the principle of correlation entropy,and ncnn's author nihui sharing his neural network inference framework.

Thanks to the help from the following friends:

Algorithm : xupengfeixupf, JansonZhu, wangxinwei, lengmm

Python : daquexian


BSD 3 Clause