
This is the code for the book http://www.peachpit.com/androiduifundamentals.

The code for each chapter is in the corresponding folder. Chapters 2 through 9 cover the creation of a simple time tracking application. Some chapters contain addition sample code.

Chapter 1

Basic hello world

Chapter 2

First step in the time tracker, covers common view attributes, list views, and StrictMode.

Chapter 3

Notifications, menus, event handling, multiple screen support.

Chapter 4

Basic form views, map and web views.

Chapter 5

Abstracing layouts using , and ViewStubs. Creating themes and basics of fragments.

Chapter 6

The action bar, creating navigation using tabs, the ViewPager class, and data binding.

Chapter 7

App widgets.

Chapter 8

Listening to touch events and detecting gestures.

Chapter 9

Animation: view animations, property animations, and ViewProperAnimator.

Chapter 10

Creating custom views, including custom XML attributes.

Chapter 11

Graphics rendering using Canvas, Renderscript and OpenGL.

Chapter 12

Localization and Accessibility