
A script to help stay in control of guest access in Entra ID

Primary LanguagePowerShell


A graphical interface script to help stay in control of guest access in Entra ID. The tool helps identify disabled, inactive and never-used guest users.

🟡 The GUI

A graphical interface displays the results.


🟡 List view

The results can be inspected by clicking the "list"-icons in GUI. Select all or multiple users. When clicking ok, the users UPN is copied to clipboard for bulke delete/disable operations. The script is read-only and will not disable or delete any users.


🟡 Console

Errors and some info is outputed to console when running.


🟡 Prerequisites

  • A registered app with the User Read All and AuditLog.Read.All Graph permissions See this step-by-step guide

🟡 Install

Install-Script -Name InactiveWipe

🟡 Usage

Running the script

.\InactiveWipe.ps1 -TenantId <your-tenant-id> -AppId <your-app-id> -AppSecret <your-app-secret>
Parameter Description
TenantId (mandatory) Your Entra ID tenant ID 'string'
AppId (mandatory) The application ID for your registered application in Azure AD 'string'
AppSecret (mandatory) The client secret for your registered application
ThresholdDaysAgo Number of days without activity for guests to be consideres inactive. Default is 180 days 'int'

🟡 Considerations

  • Before removing disabled users, check their last sign-in activity first
  • Before removing users that have never signed in, make sure they where not recently invited/added (createdDateTime)
  • Don't store ClientSecret/Application Secret in script. Ideally, load it from a password manager, SecretStore or alike. If not, at least close process and clear command history

🟡 I found guest that can be wiped, now what?

If you are not familiar with PowerShell to perform batch operations like remove and disable/block of users in Entra ID, you can use bulk operations in the Entra AD portal.

  1. Use the tool to identify and select users for removal (UPN copied to clipboard when clicking ok from gridview)
  2. Go to User blade in Entra AD portal
  3. Select "Bulk operations" and "Bulk delete"
  4. Download example CSV
  5. Open the example CSV, paste guest-users UPN, save the file
  6. Upload the file to "bulk delete users" and type "Yes" to contine.
  7. Click "Submit"