In spiking neural networks, such as those present in biology and and some neuromorphic hardware, communication between neurons takes place by means of spikes.
Here I have focused on a simple implementation of a leaky integrate and fire (LIF) neuron with the following characteristics:
Neurons spike whenever their potential reaches a certain threshold value.
Neurons are characterized by a refractory time after each spike. During that interval, neurons ignore any input.
Spikes are approximated as impulse or Dirac's delta functions.
Each connection is characterized by a certain synaptic delay.
A summary with the math will come. Stay tuned.
The code shown in this example is a subset of a larger framework for doing useful stuff with spiking neurons. However, it is enough to explore the relative merits of Julia and Python for this problem.
One frequent criticism that comes up when comparing two programming languages is that some implementations may not take advantage of the characteristics and strengths of a particular language. I think that's ok: here I am coming from a math / theoretical physics perspective, and focusing on an implementation that is as close to the math as possible.
In my laptop, the Julia 1.0 test case takes around 5s to run. The equivalent Python version (Python 3.7) takes around 3m30s. That's faster than the first Python implementation that incorporated some additional bookkeeping on the Python side, but Julia is still 40 times faster.
One of the things I like about Julia is its expressive type system. Here are some basic custom types that I've used to implement the LIF network:
A LIF neuron:
mutable struct SpikingLIF
tau :: Float64
tref :: Float64
v :: Float64
v0 :: Float64
tlast :: Float64
inref :: Bool
Spikes and spike trains:
struct Spike
t :: Float64
w :: Float64
const SpikeTrain = Vector{Spike}
The neural network and a helper alias to codify the fan-out of each neuron:
const FanOut = Vector{Int}
mutable struct SpNet
neurons :: Vector{SpikingLIF}
fanout :: Vector{FanOut}
W :: Matrix{Float64}
td :: Float64
In this simple implementation I haven't bothered to codify the synaptic weights as a sparse matrix, and I am considering a single propagation delay. Both generalizations are trivial. Also, bear in mind that there is no matrix multiplication involved, the matrix is used just to store the synaptic weights.
We complete our minimal implementation with a mutable struct that codifies the relevant data required to run a simulation:
mutable struct SpikeSim
N :: Int
spikes :: Vector{SpikeTrain}
time :: Float64
dt :: Float64
For every neuron, we keep track of the train of incoming spikes. The evolution of this network with time comprises three different steps:
- Determining which spikes are coming
- Evolving each neuron
- Determining which spikes are being generated and updating the spike trains
This is implemented in the following function:
function next_step!(spn::SpNet, spsim::SpikeSim, vin::Vector{Float64})
spiking = []
spout = zeros(spsim.N)
for i=1:spsim.N
spout[i] = next_step!(spn.neurons[i], spsim.time, spsim.dt, vin[i],
if spout[i] > 0.5
push!(spiking, i)
stime = spsim.time +
for isp in spiking
for j in spn.fanout[isp]
Wji = spn.W[j,isp]
push!(spsim.spikes[j], Spike(stime, Wji))
spsim.time += spsim.dt
return spout
This function in turn sends all the information to each neuron:
function next_step!(sn::SpikingLIF, time::Float64, dt::Float64,
vext::Float64, spt::SpikeTrain)
vne = 0.0
while length(spt) > 0 && spt[1].t < time + dt
spike = popfirst!(spt)
vne += spike.w
return next_step!(sn, dt, vext, vne)
And the lowest level function takes care of the discretization of the ODE and determining whether the spiking condition is met:
function next_step!(sn::SpikingLIF, dt::Float64, vin::Float64, vne::Float64)
if sn.inref
if sn.tlast >= sn.tref
sn.tlast = 0.0
sn.inref = false
sn.tlast += dt
return 0
sn.v = (sn.tau*sn.v + vin*dt + vne)/(sn.tau + dt)
if sn.v >= sn.v0
sn.v = 0
sn.inref = true
sn.tlast = 0.0
return 1
return 0
You can simplify this and incorporate all the functionality within a single method, but I found this way of breaking down the problem easy to understand.
The implementation in Python is very similar, except that it takes a more OO-centric approach.
I define two classes:
class SpikingNeuron:
def __init__(self, tau, tref=1, dt=0.01):
self.tau = tau
self.tref = 1
self.v = 0
self.v0 = 1.0
self.tlast = 0.0
self.inref = False
class SpikingNetwork:
def __init__(self, N, Wd, Wnn, tau, tref=1, tdelay=1, dt=0.01):
self.N = N
self.tau = tau
self.tref = tref
self.tdelay = tdelay
self.dt = dt
self.time = 0.0
self.t0 = 0.0
self.neurons = [SpikingNeuron(self.tau, self.tref, self.dt) for
i in range(self.N)]
self.tlist = [deque() for i in range(self.N)]
self.Wd = Wd
self.Wnn = Wnn
self.activity = []
Other than that, the implementation mirrors that used in Julia.