Northwestern Research Computing Python: TensorFlow Workshop

General Info

General information about RCS Python Workshops can be found in the Python Workshops Repository. This includes information about software installations and general Python resources.


In order to focus on Deep learning and Tensorflow characteristics and not to be distracted with the installations and possible problems with versioning or other issues, we will work from Google Colab using this repository.

Therefore, there is no need to install nor download anything - You will work from notebooks directly in the Google Colab. Following the steps below:

We will go through the above steps together

Tensorflow Workshop Overview

Objective of the workshop

Learn the foundations of, and practice the skills necessary to do deep learning with Tensorflow

Learning outcomes

  • What is Tensorflow and how to set it up
  • What types of problems deep learning can help with
  • What tensors are and how to work with them
  • Build, train and apply fully connected deep neural networks on two image datasets
  • Evaluate model performance


General Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep learning resources:

Data Science Central - A great online group of data science enthusiasts where you can find everything related to machine learning, predictive modeling, data science and more.

Coursera, edx, udacity courses. I would strongly recommend Andrew Ng's machine learning courses.

More specific Tensorflow related resources:

General tensorflow resources and more specific tutorials that cover multiple topics can be found on Tensorflow Website.

Tensorflow workshops

More Tensorflow worskhops

For preparing notebooks in this workshop I used the following resources: