
A repo for our final project in LM modeling code switching

Primary LanguagePython

Predicting Code Switches in Conversation

A final project for EECS 496 (Language Modeling seminar) at Northwestern University.


Much of this code was based on:




  • R
  • tidyverse package for R

Preprocessing the data

Run src/preprocess.py on your corpus, with the following arguments. Note that this preprocessing code is intended to work with the SEAME corpus, which cannot be published here due to copyright reasons.

  • --source_dir = location of the data corpus (a directory with conversation transcripts)
  • --train_prop = proportion of corpus to use as training. The rest will be split evenly between testing and validation sets
  • --output_dir = where to save training/testing/validation splits, each as a CSV, where each line contains the following data:
    1. Conversation ID
    2. Speaker
    3. Utterance

Within a given conversation, all the lines are in order in the CSV.

Running the experiment

To run a single set of parameters, simply run src/main.py with parameter settings:

  • --data = location of the data corpus
  • --model = type of recurrent net to use (RNN_TANH, RNN_RELU, LSTM, GRU)
  • --emsize = size of word embeddings
  • --nhid = number of hidden units per recurrent layer
  • --nlayers = number of recurrent layers
  • --lr = initial learning rate
  • --clip = maximum value for gradient clipping
  • --epochs = maximum epochs
  • --dropout = amount of dropout applied to layers
  • --decay = learning rate decay per epoch
  • --tied = whether to tie the word embedding and softmx weights for faster training
  • --seed = random seed (in grid search, this is set to the condition index)
  • --cuda = use CUDA
  • --log-interval = report interval
  • --save = path where to save the final model
  • --ignore_speaker = whether ignore/mask speaker information during training (default false)
  • --full_context = whether to use the full context when making predictions (default false); this will make the model run faster

To run a grid search on several parameters, all you need to do is edit the variables in src/grid_search.py, and then run that file. Grid search has a couple of parameters configurable from the command line, too:

  • --data = location of the data corpus
  • --condition_runs = number of runs per condition (each run starts with a different random seed)
  • --output_dir = path to save results, including summary CSV and model checkpoint
  • --summary_filename = path to save summary CSV, within the results directory
  • --cuda = use CUDA