Multithreading support for ECS framework - main goal of this extension.
Tested on unity 2019.1 (not dependent on Unity engine) and contains assembly definition for compiling to separate assembly file for performance reason.
Dependent on ECS framework - ECS framework should be imported first.
This repository can be installed as unity module directly from git url. In this way new line should be added to Packages/manifest.json
"com.leopotam.ecs-threads": "",
By default last released version will be used. If you need trunk / developing version then develop
name of branch should be added after hash:
"com.leopotam.ecs-threads": "",
If you can't / don't want to use unity modules, code can be downloaded as sources archive of required release from Releases page.
Multithreaded entities processing system, like "jobs" at unity engine, but not dependent on any engine.
struct ThreadComponent {
public float A;
public float B;
public float C;
public float D;
public float E;
public float F;
public float G;
public float H;
public float I;
public float J;
public float Result;
sealed class ThreadTestSystem : EcsMultiThreadSystem<EcsFilter<ThreadComponent>> {
EcsWorld _world = null;
EcsFilter<ThreadComponent> _filter = null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns filter for processing entities in it at background threads.
/// </summary>
protected override EcsFilter<ThreadComponent> GetFilter () {
return _filter;
/// <summary>
/// Returns minimal amount of entities for splitting to threads instead processing in one.
/// </summary>
protected override int GetMinJobSize () {
return 1000;
/// <summary>
/// Returns background threads amount. Main thread will be used as additional worker (+1 thread).
/// </summary>
protected override int GetThreadsCount () {
return System.Environment.ProcessorCount - 1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns our worker callback.
/// </summary>
protected override EcsMultiThreadWorker GetWorker () {
return Worker;
/// <summary>
/// Our worker callback for processing entities.
/// Important: better to use static methods as workers - you cant touch any instance data without additional sync.
/// </summary>
static void Worker (EcsMultiThreadWorkerDesc workerDesc) {
foreach (var idx in workerDesc) {
ref var c = ref workerDesc.Filter.Get1(idx);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Sqrt (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Sin (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Cos (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Tan (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Log10 (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Sqrt (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Sin (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Cos (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Tan (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
c.Result = (float) System.Math.Log10 (c.A + c.B + c.C + c.D + c.E + c.F + c.G + c.H + c.I + c.J);
The software released under the terms of the MIT license. Enjoy.
Its free opensource software, but you can buy me a coffee: